Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Delinquents and One Angel

Never in my life did I think I would be raising two delinquents. I remember once when my nephew was barely a toddler my sister and I took him to get his picture made. Of course, the worst of scenes would occur when he threw his little temper tantrum. I remember my sister's comment about how we make such fools of ourselves when they act out in public trying to get the situation back under control. I felt sort of that way when my girls ran off this week.

As you may know, we have a new addition to our canine brood. She has joined our pack and came fully packed with all of the energy and inquisitiveness a puppy could possess. Right away she figured out that she could squeeze through the pickets of the wrought iron fence that lines our back yard. Such was the case late Thursday morning. While trying to retrieve Princess Camelot I lost sight of Piper Kensleigh who had taken full advantage of my antics with the gate and off she trotted as if she was competing in the Kentucky Derby. Fortunately some kind souls were strolling the neighborhood and heard me pleading with these two delinquent canines to come back home with me and helped me lasso the two and reign them in.

And who should be back in the yard but Sassy Jane the Queen of our home. In the yard minding her own schnauzer business and obeying all of the rules. I have a feeling that both of the delinquents will always be exactly that. My Queen will always be as she is although she had her days when she "visited" the neighbors on Wild Orchid Trail. But in those days we did not even have a fence. As I recall she always came back when called, too. Still waiting for the other two to take a lesson from their older "non-delinquent" sister.

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