Thursday, December 30, 2010


O.K. I know, lots of people do it, rarely are they kept. So why do we fall in line with old customs and even give it thought at the beginning of a new year. Could it be because we hope for a new beginning and a better year as the new year dawns?? I suspect it lies somewhere in there, not sure exactly where.

So what am I going to do this year about resolutions. Normally I do nothing. I would love to be a better person, shure enuff! There are many facets of my life that I would like to improve. Admittedly, I have few talents, but for those I do have, I would love to improve. There are tasks I have started that are still not finished -- those I would like to finish. I have a little home at the coast that is on the market to sell. I would love to close this part of my life and put it safely away.
There are even a few "hobbies" I have had that I would like to resurrect such as my interest in needlework of all varieties. So... how can I do all of these things?? Oh, yes I do not have to. I can do just some of them and feel fulfilled, huh?? Do you really think so??
After reading an article in one of favorite news logs I have come to the conclusion that I could concur on the following as resolutions I might be able to keep. What do you think?
  • Walk more
  • Ignore the mirror
  • Eat better
  • Be more charitable
  • Pray often

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My Heathens

And so..... most people my age (which is ancient beyond compare) have nice little neat homes that seem to stay that way except for the weekly dusting that one can do with one of those little feather dusters. And then there is mine!!! When you clean mine, even if it is everyday, it has to be spring cleaned! No kidding. I became a mother late in life, you see. My children are two heathen canines. I might mention one is a six month old female schnauzer puppy who thinks she is a mountain lion.

Yesterday I got up early, fed the little monsters, threw them in the car into their doggie car seats and up the road we rolled to Wake Forest "Paws at Play" to their groomer. Just trying to make them look a little civil for Christmas. She did her always nice job of getting the little heathens all cleaned up, smelling good, and looking spiffy with their little Christmas scarves on. I brought them down the highway looking so very cute, gave them a little snack, and they sacked out for the rest of the day. Just beat, those two were.

Well, is today ever a new day, lawsy me!! No one would believe these two ever met a groomer. They have lost their Christmas scarves and romped, played, and chewed on each other all day. Now they smell like doggy spit and who knows what else. They have romped in every room in the house I do believe and they still are not finished. Then they run out in the yard and bark like there is no tomorrow at whatever they perceive needs to be barked at. (Translated that means if you move --- you get barked at.) My house has leaves, doggie chews, toys, something or the other's remains and I am not sure what else all over it. I may need to call the fire department to help me clean it up before I can go out of town to spend Christmas with my family. Gotta go now and make like Molly Maid.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Greetings and Thank Yous

So..listening to the local news tonight...story on Christmas cards lamenting the fact that fewer people are sending the annual card to family and friends. Blame was placed on Facebook and other social sites that folks might be using. Users felt that all photos they had made during the year had been placed on these sites in addition to family happenings and activities. Family and friends already know all of the news. So...that is easy to understand in times when budgets are stressed and equally time seems to come at a premium. Those interviewed felt that ALL of their contacts use social sites.

Earlier in the evening I had received a phone call from a former college room mate. She told me that she was calling her friends and family this year because her writing is less legible and it is easier to call. It was wonderful to talk to her and catch up.

All of this gave me cause to think about the fact that I am sending cards to close family and friends this year but...I did use the computer to make mailing labels and return labels. I will admit that it is easier when I use technology to assist me. There was a time when I am certain Emily Post would have taken me to task for this.

All of this brought to mind another issue to which I have given ample thought of late. I receive many wedding invitations and announcements. Family, extended family, and often friends are strewn all over this great country of ours. Quite often included in the announcement / invitation is mention of the wedding registry and where it can be found. Therefore, I often do the easiest (close your ears Amy Vanderbilt) thing and order a gift from BB&B, TG, or where ever the listing and have it mailed to the address supplied by the honorees. But... in more recent years I receive fewer and fewer acknowledgements of having receiving the gift leaving me to wonder whether it was ever received. Now I do not expect to be praised because I sent the folks a gift but it would be nice to know whether they got it!! It would seem folks could at least send a note saying something like.....We got the meatloaf pan you sent us from our wedding registry. We know we had it listed but we would rather have had the 4K 60" Sony TV that we had listed.
What do you think?????

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sassy Memories

Each day that I visit this blog I sit and look at the picture at the top --- my beloved Sassy schnauzer. As I do I sit and think, "How could I have consented to have her put to sleep?"
"How could I have done this awful thing?" In my mind I revisit the moment in that room when the doctor administered the medicine that stopped her heart. Instantly the thought that I vocalized was, "What have I done? Oh My Lord, I cant' believe that I have done this." My stomach sunk and my heart ached. Even as I write this tears flow.
The curly legs that I look at were always whiter than any other of my dogs, her back and hind quarters that I massaged and rubbed so often. The many days that we spent with me in a certain chair and with my legs crossed just so as she sat on my lap and looked toward the sidelights of the front door and I rubbed her shiny curly fur. We both enjoyed those moments. I did it as long as she was healthy. When the cancer struck it ruined her left front leg and paw and the pain was always there. The paw was no longer of much use to her. Weeks before she went away she had chewed it and made it sore. I thought it was because it had no feeling. The vet told me it was because it hurt so badly. We treated and wrapped it and it got better.
I will always wonder if I should have waited longer to take her out of her misery. I had to depend on the vet for that information. She kept telling me, "you will know." I wonder if I ever really knew or I just knew I was supposed to as she struggled to walk each day and take care of "her business." She stayed where I put her down for the most part. If I nestled her in a spot in a soft comforter she stayed there until I picked her up and took her outside again. I brought her food and her water to her. If she was thirsty she never attempted to get to the water bowls I have for the girls. I gave her the pain medicine regularly. I tried with all my heart to do what was right for her. I wonder if she knew. I told her over and over how much I loved her. I wonder if she ever understood. She trusted me, I loved her. Goodbye for now, my precious girl.

As of this date I have never been able to retrieve her cremated remains from the vet. I paid the bill but I haven't been able to receive the remains. It is yet far too painful.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

White Today....

And so.. today we woke up to white stuff -- wasn't flour or confectioners sugar either. Soon it had turned to sleet and then freezing rain. Now it looks like dirty ice soup. Not much movement around as school systems quckly changed status from being delayed two hours to why don't you guys just stay home today and come back on another day. So today there are lots of "jerk parents." You know who I mean -- the ones whose children evoke the jerk response -- they push and push until you turn into a jerk. Kids are unpredictable -- you never know how far up the wall they will drive you! In other homes around town are teenagers whose parents have figured out the best way to keep them off the roads today --let the air totally out of the tires and hide the pump. So for all of the Moms of school age kids today we need to throw a life preserver.
There are things you can do to survive -- like be sure to feed your family from the three basic food groups --canned, frozen, and take-out. Always buy products that say tastes homemade.
And don't forget to be yourself -- so that no one can ever tell you that you are doing it wrong.
Going off to spend my day with two canines. Sorry that yesterday was the deadline for all complaints.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Weather Whether or Not....

I am a winter grump! I sometimes post things about my disgruntled feelings and I suppose folks get tired of hearing me. But winter makes me so miserable. Currently the weather is so very cold and winter has not officially started. My skin dries out and cracks around my fingers and on my feet. Sometimes the cracked spots bleed and sometimes my fingers and joints hurt and are sore.
So, it sounds like I dislike the way winter makes me feel physically and emotionally.

Old people do not fare well in the cold of winter because their body systems are often compromised even before having to endure cold temperatures. Young people often do not fare well in cold temperatures because developmentally their little bodies aren't prepared to cope. We must wrap and bundle them up really tight or I should say try to. As a former school marm I can tell you it was almost like fighting to get them to wrap up to leave the school building to either play or go home. Students would leave coats, hats and gloves strewn all over rather than wear them. They eventually wound up in the "Lost and Found." Occasionally as you passed through the area you would find a parent anxiously looking to find the lost clothing of their child.

As I write this I have a little black schnauzer girl curled up beside me sound asleep. Today has been miserably cold but she didn't seem to know it. She and her sister have been in and out the door over and over to take care of business and play in the yard for as long as I would allow. I have tried to be careful that they did not stay out very long. They always have on their own little furry coats but I felt they weren't sufficient for very long.

I am tired of hearing about the buckle in the jet stream. One reporter on CBS forecasted tonight that it looks like this weather pattern with Mr. Jet Stream out of whack will probably last through the end of the year. Who knows what then?? Could be MOS!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can You Believe??

Can you believe Santa Claus? Can you believe that December is starting off kind of like I remember December of last year --really cold? I keep hearing about La Nino and El Nino and everybody Nino. (Supposedly the Ninos cause all of this weather phenomenon.) I just wish the Nino Family would go away and quit bothering us. Is that really too much to ask?
I would just like a truly typical southern winter. I think I would really enjoy that. How about you?

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Being Cold....

I detest cold weather. I can not think of one redeeming feature of cold weather. Now, I guess I should define cold weather. Cold weather, to me, is anything below fifty degrees, but more specifically anything below forty degrees is really cold. If it is below thirty degrees it is down right brutal in my mind. Lest you get any bright ideas about my opinion(s) I have lived in and through some truly cold stuff.

I have this thing called light affective disorder or whatever. It simply means that I am really sensitive to the loss of light during the months of the year when daylight hours are shorter. So.. I have no love for the months of November and December due to the number of really short days and long hours of dark. I could never live at the poles or even in Palin's beloved Alaska. She can have it---and see Russia all day!!!

Each year I live for the days of January when the days start to lengthen by one minute a day. Wait, don't get me wrong, I didn't say I loved January. I was just saying that I appreciated the fact that the days begin to lengthen out each day in January. Gradually over the months until the latter part of June our days get longer. In my tiny mind, cold weather == short days and short days == cold weather.