Thursday, December 2, 2010

Being Cold....

I detest cold weather. I can not think of one redeeming feature of cold weather. Now, I guess I should define cold weather. Cold weather, to me, is anything below fifty degrees, but more specifically anything below forty degrees is really cold. If it is below thirty degrees it is down right brutal in my mind. Lest you get any bright ideas about my opinion(s) I have lived in and through some truly cold stuff.

I have this thing called light affective disorder or whatever. It simply means that I am really sensitive to the loss of light during the months of the year when daylight hours are shorter. So.. I have no love for the months of November and December due to the number of really short days and long hours of dark. I could never live at the poles or even in Palin's beloved Alaska. She can have it---and see Russia all day!!!

Each year I live for the days of January when the days start to lengthen by one minute a day. Wait, don't get me wrong, I didn't say I loved January. I was just saying that I appreciated the fact that the days begin to lengthen out each day in January. Gradually over the months until the latter part of June our days get longer. In my tiny mind, cold weather == short days and short days == cold weather.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I am with you as far as the cold weather goes...I'm ready for flip flops and t-shirts and today was our first truly "cold" day! I'm ready to move down south....