Monday, December 20, 2010

Greetings and Thank Yous

So..listening to the local news tonight...story on Christmas cards lamenting the fact that fewer people are sending the annual card to family and friends. Blame was placed on Facebook and other social sites that folks might be using. Users felt that all photos they had made during the year had been placed on these sites in addition to family happenings and activities. Family and friends already know all of the news. So...that is easy to understand in times when budgets are stressed and equally time seems to come at a premium. Those interviewed felt that ALL of their contacts use social sites.

Earlier in the evening I had received a phone call from a former college room mate. She told me that she was calling her friends and family this year because her writing is less legible and it is easier to call. It was wonderful to talk to her and catch up.

All of this gave me cause to think about the fact that I am sending cards to close family and friends this year but...I did use the computer to make mailing labels and return labels. I will admit that it is easier when I use technology to assist me. There was a time when I am certain Emily Post would have taken me to task for this.

All of this brought to mind another issue to which I have given ample thought of late. I receive many wedding invitations and announcements. Family, extended family, and often friends are strewn all over this great country of ours. Quite often included in the announcement / invitation is mention of the wedding registry and where it can be found. Therefore, I often do the easiest (close your ears Amy Vanderbilt) thing and order a gift from BB&B, TG, or where ever the listing and have it mailed to the address supplied by the honorees. But... in more recent years I receive fewer and fewer acknowledgements of having receiving the gift leaving me to wonder whether it was ever received. Now I do not expect to be praised because I sent the folks a gift but it would be nice to know whether they got it!! It would seem folks could at least send a note saying something like.....We got the meatloaf pan you sent us from our wedding registry. We know we had it listed but we would rather have had the 4K 60" Sony TV that we had listed.
What do you think?????


Christy said...

This post made me laugh out loud. I'm a firm believer in using the mail! I love to send cards! None this year due to illness but plenty of thank you cards already stacked and ready to go for next week. Thanks for the reminder!

Rachel said...

You gave me a giggle too. I'm totally with you on thank you notes, I think those are absolutely necessary, no exceptions. But. I'm one of those who decided not to send Christmas cards in the mail this year. This doesn't mean I'll never send them again, but I admit Facebook is my main reason for skipping it. Pretty much everyone on my list is on Facebook.

Jan said...

Well, I'm sending Christmas cards this year and I LOVE to get them. I love holding the card--and hopefully a picture. I totally agree on the thank you cards. It's hard after a big event like a wedding--but it's the least a bride/groom can do when someone takes the time to think of them. I, like you, have many gifts that have never been acknowledged--wedding, baby, birthday, etc. Have you ever asked if they actually received the gift?