Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Dad For Eternity

This Sunday is once again Father's Day. Across this nation fathers, good and bad, will be honored by their children. As my Mom used to tell us, once a Mom or Dad always a Mom or Dad.

As one expects, our hearts turn to our own fathers. My Dad lived for almost eighty-two years. He has been gone since January 1989. My Dad was ten years and five months older than my Mom. After his death I put in extra time and visits trying to get my Mom interested in living and going on. I failed in that endeavor. She passed away almost three years later of her own physical ailments. But back to Daddy.

My Dad had been raised with all of the manners of a southern gentleman; a sterling example! He really did not have much tolerance for the lack of manners. Generally speaking, he was a quiet man. He often told us somewhat kiddingly, that there is a time to "speak only when spoken to." I think he meant that we should remember that, when as children, we were in the presence of adults.
He and my Mom had a love bond that young couples today could only hope for, in my opinion. Together they had five children. I am the oldest of those who survived. I do not know much about the first child, however the second was a son who lived less than four hours. I was the third. I guess they were worn out by then because my brother was born six years later. My sister came along five years after that.

My Dad has been gone a while but I still remember! One of the strongest principles he taught by
example was that of honesty. My father was honest to a flaw if that was possible. No clerk would ever give him incorrect change. Even a penny was important when it came to being honest.
He wasn't always vocal about things but you should never have gotten the idea that he didn't have his own opinion about things --- he just didn't always vocalize them unless you asked or there was some reason.
I remember that my Dad thought it was important to one's appearance to keep your shoes neat, polished, and shined. I am often reminded of him as I notice other men's shoes. A little shoe polish goes a long way! My Dad was quite neat in the manner in which he cared for his clothing. They were neatly folded or hung and as he used to tell us, "a place for everything and everything in its place."

My Dad was right handed with really pretty blue eyes and blond hair. Only one of his children is right handed and has blue eyes. No, not me!!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy! I love you. You are mine for Eternity and so is Mom!!
P. S. And oh, Daddy, forgot to tell you, I have some doggies now!!

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