Friday, June 3, 2011

Missing Ken

This week has been another one of Those Weeks!! "Those Weeks" are the times in my 'after Ken' life that I am more acutely aware that life without him truly sucks! It does all of the time actually but when I have to do things that normally he would have done or taken charge of I am so, so reminded that I am alone in the bloody universe with decisions that need to be made and to take care of myself. I have a male friend who is always "auditing" my decisions. He often tells me that I "get taken" just because I am female. I do not doubt his word but I try really hard to do my homework and watch out for myself. Sometimes I make decisions just to keep myself safe and they may cost me $$$ but that is the way the system works.

But back to this week's business. My dishwasher and disposal gave up the ghost and have to be replaced. So I have been "doing my research" and finally bit the bullet and bought both for my home in Raleigh. I had previously bought a dishwasher for the coastal home. (It has never been used because the house is on the market and no one lives there).
Then there is all of that "stuff" about installation and whatever kind of kit you need to install. I never had to think about those things when Ken was around. In fact there was so much I never had to think about when Ken was here. My sister recently reminded me that I never vacuumed when he was living. She is correct -- I didn't. But Ken didn't cook either. He was good about taking care of the dishes and pots and pans, though. We both worked and split most tasks. However, we did a tremendous amount together.
Sooo, all of you Grumpy Gretas, don't complain about your husband. Things can get worse!

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