Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mastering Life

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be.. It's the way it is..
The way we cope with it, is what makes the difference.

And sometimes I am not at all pleased with the way I handle life and its happenings. Anyone else ever feel that way?? Often when I get behind a particularly stressful time in my sojourn here I look back and say to myself, "how could I have handled that better?" I could really get down on myself at these times and I am not foolish enough to try and convince any one that I do not, but the better path is to assess it for what it is worth, learn from it, and move on. If only I could get that through my thick skull.

However, I have come to the conclusion that there are experiences in life which "temper" us. Whether we prefer it or not these experiences change us in ways that color our thinking and thus change some aspect of our lives, sometimes drastically.
Moving on is often difficult. Sometimes when things are particularly hurtful it is helpful to move away from them and push them as far away as possible. I have learned to compartmentalize those things and either deal with them in small parts or at a time when I am more able to cope with them. I had to do that with Ken's death. My therapist told me that I should always be certain that I come back and deal with those things, however.

Ah, sometimes I think I just think too much. Time to rest my thinker for now.
That's all folks! ......for now.

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