Saturday, February 4, 2012

Ever Had CC????

-Ever had the creepin' crud??? I am certain you have heard of it --- periodically it afflicts quite a few of us. Somehow I was of the mistaken opinion that if you got your flu shot on a regular basis it would lessen the chances of getting this monster or help enough that you might not have a severe case. Wrong!!!

Twice now this season CC has taken over my life!! I had a mean case in December but tried to bumble my way through it without antibiotic treatment. That is probably why it took me so long to get over the mess. Just when I think I have "weathered the storm" here comes CC for another visit. This time I gave in after coughing all night for three nights when I should have been resting. to the doctor's office I took my ailing self yesterday! Must have been obvious to the staff there including the doctor that I needed plenty of help. After an exam the doctor decided I first needed to turn up my rump for a shot on each side! (It always helps when the nurse administering the shot is the mother of a former student! Who better to show your fanny-bottom to, huh??) He then called in a rx for antibiotics and cough "stuff." I still crouped a great deal of the night. I never understand why one will croup for hours and then finally get to sleep when it is time to get up again. Why is that??????

So, it is Saturday morning. A nurse from the doctor's office called to check on me. She reminded me that the doctor had given me refills with the antibiotic due to the fact that people were having trouble kicking this stuff with one round and were needing another. She also insisted that if I were not better soon to show up in the doctor's office again! My "infestation" of CC is all upper respiratory relating specifically to the sinuses! Soon I will send it all packing!!!!!!!!!!!!

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