Tuesday, February 21, 2012

THE Needy

It warms one's heart to hear the response of this community to a story of a couple in dire need and living in their car having been evicted from their home because they could not pay the rent.
According to the news story, local agencies were trying to help this couple. With the little they received, they were able to buy a little food and were washing up in the Food Lion bathroom facilities. At night they were sleeping in their vehicle and moving from parking lot to parking lot for safety's sake. It was a sad, sad story and the couple appeared to be trying to help themselves. The husband had recently gotten a job and was trying to work. Someone people, including the news reporter, had given them money for gas so they could keep their car running.

After the story aired on the early news yesterday people had called and donated money for the couple to be able to stay in a motel last night. By today, they had money for the next four nights. In the meantime, agencies were getting donations to help them secure an apartment. They had already helped them move their belongings from their former residence into storage.

Perhaps more will be shared as to how this couple became so destitute. The social workers at local agencies, as well as the news reporter,s kept referring to the fact that there are many living in their cars at a given time. It really makes me sad to think of these people and their plight. I will continue to follow this story.

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