Thursday, October 10, 2013

Just Stuff - An Old One's Views

Have you about had it up to the ying-yang with politics ---the so-called closing down of the federal government and the inability of politicians to settle their differences?? Not only have I had enough of that part but I am worn out with reading anti-president posts by Tea Party supporters on social networks. In my opinion,(as if it matters) it is one thing to be opposed but it is another to keep throwing your attitude into the faces of others. We get it with the first posting. No need to put at least twenty-five up there each day.

My other issue today is another one of those things over which I have no control; thus I should not lament so often. The weather this week has been really dark, wet, chilly and depressing. We have had those kind of days that make me want to hide. It gets dark really early -- tonight by 6:45 pm and makes me think it is time to go to bed or curl up some where or just go to bed. I do hope tomorrow brings better weather and as the girls and I head to the coast the weather might return to some degree of what is more normal for our area at this time of the year. The State Fair begins next week and hopefully there will be sunny days for all to enjoy as they attend the fair. How-some-ever, it is not unusual for us to have wet weather or even chilly temperatures near the time of the State Fair.

While I am in the mood to complain and gripe I might as well take a swipe at Miley. I am rather tired of hearing her bellowing that song that sounds like "I come in like a rolling stone...." -- she is almost measuring up there with my other least favorite Miss TS !! Her heavily coated tongue is always hanging out and that hair-do style from outer space along with her defending her choices and behavior. Deliver us all, please from being a captive audience to such nonsense.

If I think of anything more to gripe about I will be back!!

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