Saturday, October 19, 2013

Thanksgiving or Thanks Giving

Admittedly I am OLD, not quite as old as Methuslah but old, nevertheless! When I was younger sort of like very young, I remember a day when Thanksgiving (at least where we lived) didn't seem to be the BIG holiday it is made out to be now. Do you suppose as the years have gone along it has somehow become a truly embellished family holiday as in, 'Over the River and through the woods'!! I am thinking so.

And now I am seeing on a social network, ads, I guess that is what you call those thingies, of folks pledging not to shop on Thanksgiving Day -- alleging that they plan to spend time with family. Now I think that is all good and wunnerful ceptin' one part -- you and I both know that those guys will eat their bellies full and then park in front of the TV the rest of the day monopolizing the big screen with a football game of some sort. Don't know about you but I can see how that would drive the ladies out of the house to shop draggin' their full tummies along with them! Now, there is that! I said it!

While I do believe that we definitely need a full day of giving thanks, I think it should be more often than once a year. I agree that Thanksgiving Day is a good thing. But living in a country that permits acting on one's God-given free agency I believe the ladies can go shopping if they want --- and just maybe those folks working in the stores on Thanksgiving Day are grateful to get the work (to pay for their turkey) being as they live in a country where politicians can shut down the gov-mint when ever they take a notion!! Sorry folks, if you don't like my bloggin' -- it is what it is -- worthless!

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