Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Have you ever become completely "burned out" with the latest fad? Now, I am almost certain your mind flits to fad as in some style of dress or method of wearing clothing. But that is not my "burn-out issue." It goes without saying that if you have an e-mail account you have acquaintances who send you (on a regluar or semi-regular basis) these jokes, comics, or entries of some sort that have subtle messages of various genres. For a long, long time I have just deleted a bulk of them without every looking at them because I don't have time to deal with them. Plus who wants to forward these messages with a gizillion e-mail addresses on them to be erased so as not to infringe on the privacy of others to whom they have been sent. So the easiest way to deal with them is to delete them. Then there are those that tell you that if you do not forward them within a certain time to a certain number of people your nose will fall off or you will turn to salt or some such crazy thing.
Those types are bad enough but my burn-out has come from those I continually get about the president (Obama) and what he and "his" are doing to our country and what is going to happen to us as a result of his presidency, etc., etc., etc.
Lets get this straight. I did not vote for President Obama and would not vote for him should he run again. But I have had it with these negative messages concerning his policies and presidency. My wish would be to never receive another one --- period! I hate them.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Love your pretty new blog layout, by the way....BUT go into your gmail account, click settings in the upper right, then click on filters, and then add a filter. Just put Obama in the subject line or in the contains these words line. You can even test the filter to see if it pulls up all that junk mail you hate. You may just never have to have one of those emails again!