Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Games People Play.....

Couldn't resist it, had to do it! Heard too much about it! Had to satisfy my curosity. The more I heard the more familiar the ring. The details of both were starting to sound too much the same. Slowly I could feel the right moving toward the middle. You say tomato, I say tomahto! Does that make it taste different? Yesterday it just got the best of me.
So last evening to the computer I go to do a little research on community schools of choice. What did I find? Just as I suspected -- O whoa is me!
1. The idea originated in Massachussetts.
2. The core of the idea is not different from a diversity plan.
3. Research shows that in the years of implementation in various school systems throughout the country it has served the "haves" very well, the results have created social stratification.
4. Minorities have not shown significant improvement.
5. Who is satisfied with the plan? Who is not satisfied with the plan? The research seemed to point out that those who were most satisfied were those parents who had the time and understood "the game" and how to play it. Those who were less aware, less educated, less savvy were less satisfied.
6. There have been and are inherent problems with community schools of choice.

So, after reading these various pieces my suspicions were confirmed. The principles of diversity and community schools of choices are much alike. Busing was never mentioned in CSofC but racial balancing was, as was being aware of creating low achieving schools.
It strikes me that some people are "fooling only themselves" and playing games with semantics so as not to admit what they are actually up to. Self serving, self aggrandizement, power hungry, over-bearing --- do any of these ring a bell??

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