Monday, February 28, 2011

Ahhh, Sweet Spring

Mother Nature is certainly an independent cuss! She has a mind of her own.
It has been "oh so cold" this winter -- so much colder than usual, it seems. It has taken us three months to get to a few days of decent winter temperatures. Then all of a sudden today I am looking around only to see that the "early spring forerunners" are all in bloom. I am like, "hey how did this happen so quickly, Mother Nature ?" It is nothing short of miraculous! But then again, Nature Woman is full of surprises. Just about the time we are enjoying these few days before Spring she will throw another zinger on us. We will all be shivering and running for cover literally.

As I drove along Interstate 40 recently returning to Raleigh I was cognizant of the changes in nature taking place around me. It was evident that the buds on trees were swelling and a slight amount of color was showing in the woods surrounding the highway. A few farmers had started to cut the soil for spring planting. The fields with winter cover crops were beautiful shades of green. I could not help but admire these changes and feel my spirits take a leap with the anticipation of the season ahead. I love spring.
It does all of those wicked things to me that many suffer. I have all of the allergies, runny nose, itchy eyes, feelings of cotton on my nose that I can't remove --- general misery. But I love spring all the same. Just itch, grin and bear it!!

I marvel at the wonders of spring. I marvel at the wonders of nature. Watching new life begin each season, watching one season change to another season all serve as a testimony to me that there was a divine plan in the creation of life, seasons, and nature. Further that there is a God in Heaven who rules and guides this universe.

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