Monday, February 28, 2011

Putting on the Glitz at the Oscars

Well, folks I seldom watch the Oscars. When I worked I was in bed fast asleep before the "biggies" were announced. However, being a "lady of leisure" these days I watched last night. What a zoo!! It sort of vacillated between comedy and tragedy. Now let me make one thing clear from the start --I had seen none of the movies nominated so what do I know??? ( Not a lot except to observe and listen.) I did note that early on it was predicted that "The King's Speech" was likely to win the best movie award. (It did!) That is unless it should be upset by "Toy Story 3." (That didn't happen.) Speculation indicated that "True Grit" would probably not win because it was a winner with the original cast and filming many moons ago.

But I really do not want to talk about the movies, I wanna talk about the frocks!
One actress had to wear some body's doilies for a dress. How pathetic -- and she looked it, too. She was the one who dropped the f-bomb in accepting her award. Poor thing, not only was she too poor to afford a dress she even lacked the proper vocabulary to express herself adequately!!
Then there were these ladies whose boobs all fell out of their dresses for a lack of fabric, I guess. What a shame to make a really fancy dress and use most of the fabric in the skirt! Surely those designers could have saved some to cover up "the girls!"
Don't get me wrong there were some ladies whose dresses even approached modest on the top. Actually more of those than usual! But I must admit that some of those looked dowdy by contrast to the finery of fabric in other dresses. Why do you think that is? Why do they use fabric with a bad case of the uglies for the modest dresses? Something going on in the back room???
I also noted that there were a few actresses whose garbs looked like they went back to the archives and pulled out something that had been worn before -- like back in the fifties. ( Need to talk to Reece about that.) Guess they had a hard time making up their minds and all of the new dresses "got took!"
Now one of the best looking dresses of the evening was actually worn by a sixty-five year old actress, Dame Helen Mirren, who hails from good old England. Didn't she win something last year?

Some dresses were poufy with what looked like an abundance of tulle, others were frothy with tons of feathers, and some glittered with a bounty of sequins. Numerous skirts looked like they had a bunch of fabric left over so they just rolled it off of the bolt, caught it up in bunches and sewed it on the back and front of the skirt and drug it along with them.
Many folks thought the worst dress of the evening was worn by the normally perfectly dressed Nicole Kidman. Why some critics went so far as to indicate that they thought her dress looked like an overly sequined tablecloth! Imagine that!!!

Well, enough said about "puttin' on the glitz er ritz" at the Oscars. I think the dresses were the ugliest ever.

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