Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do I Really Want To Do This????

After having had a long, long teaching career I have been at home for one complete school year and almost two-thirds of another. I got a call recently from the substitute office about coming in for AESOP training to put one's name on the substitute list. Now, never have I ever been interested in substituting but it could be an interesting experience and help some poor sickly teacher. So I entertained the idea by attending. I am working on the paper work included in the process.
I still do not have a clear vision of me doing this job very often. I keep trying to wrap my brain around the idea but I am having a bit of difficulty. Is there any hope?
In the meeting I attended I met a former colleague who was happy to see me, an acquaintance who is a fellow church member, several teachers who retired at the end of last school year, and many stay-at-home moms who are former teachers before having families. There were a few former teachers who were planning to do interims, as well.
The school employee conducting the session mentioned that this school system has in excess of 3500 substitutes on their list. Makes you wonder why you even got a call. But then again perhaps I understood in my head!
The AESOP software is programmed so that a sub can actually block their name from being called when a sub is needed. The program starts calling for subs automatically at a certain time if subs have not chosen to do the jobs online prior. Of course you can choose which schools you will serve and which days you are available.
So.. what is one to conclude? Perhaps of those 3500++ in the system not too many remain active as subs???
Gonna ponder this one some more.....
In the meantime, life goes on.

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