Monday, March 14, 2011

Thinking of Others

Another powerful message delivered by Lloyd Newell with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast recently. A message I needed to hear. Maybe you as well, huh????

Others Along the Way
March 6, 2011 Broadcast number 4251

Some people seem to have life firmly in their grasp, everything under control, and all things positive before them. But more often than not, it's not the full story. Everyone struggles a bit at times, and we all know what it feels like to worry.

But worrying is not all bad if it grows into empathy for others who, like each one of us, carry burdens. Of course, some burdens are heavier than others, and that's why we need each other along the way. We each have times when our burdens are more than we can bear alone, and we have other times when it's our opportunity to make someone's burden lighter.

A man with a dreadful diagnosis decided that he would wage his battle alone. Strong and independent, he determined that this was his problem and he would fight it by himself. Only his wife knew the grave condition of his health.

But little by little, word got out to a few people. They inquired about his health; they expressed their concern; they prayed for him. The love and outreach of others softened his heart. He realized that going alone was not the best way. He needed others. He needed their affection and strength; he appreciated their interest and their prayers.

Eventually his health improved, and so did his attitude. Because of what he learned, he now makes it a point to show more concern and compassion to others.

In one way or another, heartache and worry beset us all. And with them there often comes a profound hunger for genuine love and companionship, for support and kindliness. If we open our hearts to accept such help, we will find ourselves not only more willing but also more able when it becomes our turn to lift another's burden.

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