Sunday, February 6, 2011

Dog"gone" Relationships

I have always been a people watcher. Folks do some funny things if you just watch them. People behavior is one thing. Doggie behavior is another interesting "watch." Actually they are probably very similar. I had never had a dog of my own until about twelve years ago when my sister and her family gave me my Sassy. Sassy was an only child for at least six years before I acquired Piper. Watching doggie interactions was a new experience for me.

Sassy and Piper had such different personalities that their experiences learning to live together were probably unique. Sassy may have wished that Piper had never come to live with us but she never acted that way. I don't remember that she reacted at all. But Piper surely did!! She wanted to be number one and started out hipping and pushing Sassy around. However, the problem was that Sassy just handled it. She knew she was number one and no upstart was going to push her out of place so she just ignored Piper. As long as Sassy lived Piper never got beyond trying to be number one but......she never pushed Sassy out of her spot.

Now enter Kami (Kamelot). This girl is a piece of work. She is as cute as a button and just as lovable. She is very emotional. If she can't get something accomplished she soon will be whimpering while trying just as hard as possible. My reference point for that particular behavior is trying to hide everything from Piper. When she can't seem to get it covered she works harder all of the time whimpering in frustration.

She also has to kiss all over me when I go out and come back. She stays pinned up in her "little condo" while I am gone. When I return and unlock her door to let her out I get kissed almost to the point of having to mop my face --- or whatever she can get to. By evening she is very tired because she is so (hyper)active. She comes to me to sit by me all curled up. Eventually I put her in her pet taxi and she goes off to sleepytown.

A lot is written about dogs regarding those with whom they live -- be they human or canine-- as members of their pack. That is somewhat evident in the way Kami watches Piper. When they start outside Kami waits for Piper and runs alongside her until she is certain they are both heading to the same area. Once outside they do their own thing. However, they do keep track of each other. Recently they were both getting a bath --- one at a time! My dogs have always stayed nearby when their "sibling" was getting bathed. But this time Kami whined and cried the whole time I bathed Piper. I am not sure what she thought I was doing to "her sister." Once Piper was out of the bath, wrapped up in towels, getting her blow-dry Kami was loving on her to be sure she was OK.
Behavior is fascinating whether human or canine. I am always wondering what is going on in their minds.

Just an old woman's account of living with dogs!

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