Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My Ode to GroundHog Day

Here she comes again.... that little brownish grey groundhog peeping out of her/ his hole to see whether the sun is blinding her/his view. Now I truly hope it rains in her / his face and the sun makes no appearance. I am so tired of the....oh, yes, I promised not to talk about the "you know" any more cuz I have so worn out the subject through this long season that began at least a month before time!!

Tomorrow is also my Uncle David's birthday. He was my Dad's younger brother who gave his life in the defense of your country. I loved my Uncle David and wonder how life would have been different had he lived to raise a family and grow old. My grandmother Lemon never got over his death. For years she expected to hear his footsteps on the walk way in spite of the fact that she knew he was gone. Such hurt and grief often grips the hearts of those left behind when their sons or daughters are killed in war in lands far away.

But back to Mr. G'Hog folks everywhere will be watching in all parts of the country to see what that feller has to say. In downtown Raleigh the mayor will be out socializing with Sir Walter Raleigh the native Mr. G'Hog. Up there in Pennsylvania folks will be hanging with their native fella, Punxsutawney Phil. Can't you just feel the excitement?? I can hardly contain myself.
By the way, just in case you are interested according to my research, Punksy Phil only has predicted an early spring twelve percent of the time and he has an accuracy rate of thirty-nine percent.

Some have had the audacity to predict that the weather will be too bad for Phil in the morning and he will not even venture out. Wonder what that predicts???

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