Friday, July 29, 2011


I ranted yesterday about athletes and their seeming lack of integrity and its impact on the careers and lives of individuals. Today, shall I take a swat at politicians??
I wish I knew what to say about those "guys and gals" --- politicians, that is!

Needless to say, I have been disgusted since the last election. I think I have written it previously.
In my adult life I do not think I have heard or witnessed so much meanness from elected officials as I have in the last nine months, both local and national and school board. Witness that mess in Washington with the lack of compromise to come up with a budget in a timely manner. It all boils down (in my mind) to one word -- ego. Many of those clowns campaigned and were elected by making some kind of lofty promises to their constituents about reforming Congress. So they packed up their little carpetbeggar totes and off they went to the big city to reform the recklessness of those already there with their little totes. Some were from the regular demos, some regular repubs, and some called themselves tea party-ers. Soon it was round one. Out they all came to the ring and the zoo started. As of this moment they have accomplished Nothing they were sent to do except to be Ugly in every sense of the word.

Before I go let me point out to you not a one of those congressional clowns has turned down the "pork barrel" funds they are dragging back to their districts. Same thing happened in the NC legislative session. Both were charged with coming up with a viable budget and in the case of NC it had to be a balanced budget. Cuts were flying everywhere -- especially to the folks earning the least amount of $$ per year. But behind closed doors they were all dragging their money bags of goodies back to their districts for their pet projects.
I feel my bp rising so I guess it is time to quit wasting my energy on these clowns --- all of them whatever party!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


So what is going on with integrity as it pertains to athletes??
I am not and have never been a fan of UNC athletics. I am aware that for some of you admitting that makes me the enemy and discounts anything that I write further in the blog. Especially when I further admit that I would support NC State and sometimes Duke sports in preference. My admitting my fondness for Ohio State football puts me in further deep "doo-doo" as it pertains to athletics! As many sports fans are aware not only are the OS Buckeyes having sports integrity issues but also is the local fav, UNC. Now I must admit I get "NO jollies" out of seeing ANY collegiate sports program in trouble with the NCAA because of integrity issues. Rather it causes concern. One can not help but wonder what is going on in youth athletics -- school programs as well as various community programs -- as it pertains to teaching principles of integrity as well as modeling integrity in sports. We know for sure that those places are the beginning of meaningful instruction for young "wanna-be athletes."
Athletes should be held to the highest degree of Integrity.

Why do athletes seem so often (these days) to have an agenda of getting by with special perks
not allowed the rest of the population just because they are athletes? (as in paying your parking tickets, not parking in reserved parking places, plagiarizing) I think athletes know they are not to receive cash from donors or agents when involved in college athletics. I think they understand the limits of their scholarships. Why has it not been ingrained into their psyche that to be an athlete means you must be a model of integrity and good behavior? Does it matter to them that gazillions of people not to single out youth are looking up to them? Why is this not the primary principle emphasized in the athletic program over and above winning?
I know the answer most often given --- the almighty dollar rules over integrity. Drill down and take a look! Contributors give to a winning program, not so much to a losing program.

And I think I know some of the reason athletes get the wrong idea about being an athlete. Look at those individuals playing professional sports. There are few models of integrity in that avocation where many collegiate athletes hope to "matriculate".

Why should a fantastic research and state university like UNC have to worry about an issue like this "chipping away at the academic reputation" of this university?? I am not sure they did or do. This was an issue of cheating athletes who lacked integrity at their very own personal core.
I personally do not believe this was a problem of Coach Davis or Dick Baddour. So sad for both of them. The price one has to pay for athletes without character or values!

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Heathens - Chapter XX

They have done it again! My Heathen Canine Girls. I am in trouble with the neighbors. At least I seem to be in trouble with the neighbors right behind my home. Today as I let my girls out to "take care of business" they started barking at the neighbors they could hear in the yard behind us. Between my calls to them to come back in the house the neighbor's son appeared and asked to tell me something. So I proceeded off the deck to the brick patio as he approached my wrought iron fence and the girls continued to bark! What he told me was actually an informative request. He asked that I keep my barking dogs in the house while his mother's house (which is up for sale) is being shown. He went on to say that they may have/ probably have lost several sales because prospective buyers were turned off because my dogs barked. I told him I tried to get them back in the house when I realized that someone might be over there and agreed to continue to try. But no one calls me and tells me when the house is being shown. I don't know when I let my girls go outside. What to do??!!
So anybody want to buy two really cute schnauzers???

It hasn't been that long ago that I blogged about receiving a note from a male neighbor telling me that my dogs disturbed him with their barking at anyone who happens to need a good barking! So I went out and bought a PetSafe barking collar for Miss Kami to try and curb her barking. It did nothing but make a good necklace. At least it didn't disturb her at all.

One thing I should establish is that my girls are house dogs. They are never out barking late in the evening or at night. If they need to go out at night I go out with them. The only person making sounds at that time would be me. The heat has been dreadful so they are never out for very long before I am bringing them back inside. However, they are terriers and terriers bark.
They will bark particularly at the sounds of trucks on the street, car doors slamming, the sight of people and the sound of voices and birds who harass them. I also should mention I never leave the house with my dogs outside and further when I do leave my home my dogs are crated where they feel safe and are not barking.

Further, I must say in their defense and as I have stated before, my neighbors on each side of my yard in the back have petted and rubbed on these girls when they were young puppies and as they have gotten older. They spoiled my dogs to know that if they barked for the attention of the neighbors they would get it. All of the neighbors come to the fence and talk to them and rub them.
So.....being dogs, as they are, they do not understand when they aren't supposed to bark for attention. Would you?
When do you want me to acknowledge that I like you and your attention, and I am cute, and when do you want me to go on away and ignore you?? I am doggie --- I don't get it -- I thought you liked me all of time.

Any suggestions for me folks??? I am puzzled. Barks collars don't really work, citronella, not so much either.
The only thing that comes to mind is that perhaps I should give them voice lessons and teach them to sing instead of bark!

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Human CMA

Just suppose that we needed to ascertain your worth. In order to do this you needed to have a CMA done! CMA?? -- oh, that is a Comparative Market Analysis. To determine your worth we need to look at the worth of all of the other ladies in your neighborhood that are in "the market."
In the market for our purposes just means living in the area.
So we list all of your "assets" and "dimensions" and create a document for you. Each of the other ladies in your neighborhood has done the same previously so their worth is known. To determine value you are compared to the other ladies with no extra points being allowed for the quality of your assets -- just that you have them. Once we have determined your A's and D's, we total up your points. We look back at the other ladies and their features (A & D) and compare you to them. Adjustments are made and your value is determined.

You are grossly offended and object loud and long because you believe your worth has been underestimated. However, you are told that your value can be no more that already estimated because no one else in your community has been found to have a value that high.

If you can understand the point I am trying to make this is the way the value of your home is determined using the renowned CMA used in the real estate market.
Sounds crazy and incomprehensible, huh?? Yep, that is my opinion, too.
I have a truly difficult time understanding how you can determine the value / worth of a home by comparing it to others on the market or having been sold within the last year within a one mile radius of your home. Looks like to me a home's value or worth is exactly that --- its value or worth -- compared only to itself.
Am I crazy? Who came up with this CMA stuff??

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Legislative Musings

How can Mr. & Mrs. We R Citizen(s) sit idly by and watch the action(s) of the current NC Legislative body and perceive that all is right with the world in the field of education???
It goes without saying that no one elects to pay more taxes -- we all get that. But....

From the beginning of this session in January so much has and is taking place in the way of spiteful actions that it is particularly alarming. We are getting a true picture of the natural man! I have observed that most often if the vengeful actions were traced back to the perpetrator the rationale given is, " we are paying them back for their actions when we were the minority" or "we are paying them back for supporting the other party." Whether we are looking at the action taken to spite the educators' professional organization or the drawing of new political voting districts. It is truly, truly mean. I am not sure I have ever seen more blatant legislative actions.
I think one of things making it seem especially raw is the state of the state and nation economically. It would seem that the financial situation would inspire lawmakers to work more closely together and pool their accumulated experience and knowledge to benefit the citizenry in every way possible. I am truly disillusioned.

This week brought the ruling from Judge Manning pertaining to the cuts made by the legislature to Pre K education. Judge Manning used the Leandro Case as a basis for ruling that the cuts were unconstitutional in that they would deprive certain kiddies an opportunity for a Pre K education. Of course, the downtown legislature building rose up from its foundation in protest as soon as his ruling was made public. He is wrong, yelled they.
But is he wrong?? Who profits and who loses when ALL children coming to school have been exposed to the skills and objectives taught in pre-school?

Believe it or not there are students entering school from some of the more well educated families (as well as those who are financially able) who are the least prepared for the school experience in addition to those who are economically deprived. Surprised??
Some folks don't even like their children!! Is that a surprise to any one?

When ( if ever) will those in charge in every venue "Put Children First?"

I never had the privilege of having children of my own but I understand the true meaning of "putting our children first" in all ways to perpetuate their growth, education and development.
The future of this great nation rides on their shoulders. Rise up for children and students.

Lovin' Temps

I am just observing today -- conditions around the country including where I dwell!
Mid to later July. Hot as Hades! I thought these were supposed to be the "dog days" of summer whatever that means! A large lump of the nation is scorched and roasting -- that includes us in the 'ole North State! We expect the nineties during the summer in "our neck of the woods" but we do feel rather "well done" when the temps start hitting the 100's. And on the other side of the coin we freeze when it hits below 32 degrees. It could be that some would consider us temperature wimps!
Now, I do remember way back in the winter saying that I would never complain about the summer temperatures what with long days and sunshine. So I hasten to say I AM NOT COMPLAINING, .... am I??
And, oh yes, I remember what dog days means. It all has to do with the Dog Star in the constellation Sirius. Supposedly, back in the good ole days, the hottest weather came when the Dog Star was closest to the sun, I think! At least that is my version of this story.

In the meantime, I am loving all of the sunshine, long days, and warmth of summer. Just sip plenty of Lemonade over ice, a little melon from time to time, rock in your favorite rocker, and sing your prettiest song. Enjoy every lazy day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Freedom and Misery

I, so, don't look forward to tomorrow but will surely be glad to get my presentation over. I am not comfortable with this "thingie" but it doesn't seem to matter.

I have to do this talk "thingie" on Freedom & Liberty because this is the month of Independence!
I have been in a miserable state of pondering for about ten days on this. Now I am not against freedom and liberty but have really had a difficult time wrapping my brain around how to approach / organize this thing. I have worked every angle and mid-point -- still no peace of mind.
Last night I worked for hours organizing my thoughts. Still not happy with my progress and organization. I may ditch it all and start over!

After a while it has became a little amusing --- in all of this I seem to have lost all of my freedom and liberty. Help!! Really looking forward to Monday at the coast even if it means mowing the lawn in the heat just to get beyond all of this !!

Makes me wonder whether anyone else has ever been this miserable about trying to organize their thoughts into something meaningful to present to others!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Tonight I am negative, negative plus. First of all, I hate fireworks exploding in my community! They are beautiful and quite effective when done in a park, arena, ball park, or central setting. But.... I really do not appreciate neighbors setting off tons and tons of fireworks that the rest of us must endure shaking the house and rattling on for hours and hours while my dogs scurry from place to place all over the house trying to find a safe, secure place. My dogs actually tremble from head to toe as long as they can hear fireworks exploding. It is so difficult to get them calmed down. Sorry folks, I truly think it is really inconsiderate! I wish there was a city regulation against setting them off in subdivisions.

Another reason for my negative attitude is that the MLS listing on my home at the coast has expired. I am struggling with ideas as to what to do with the whole issue. It is unfortunate (for me) that the time to sell that home and the market falling apart occurred simultaneously. I have listed it with the two largest realty groups in the town and it has failed to produce a buyer. The only thing I keep hearing is: 'Wouldn't you like to do another price improvement?" That means reduce the price down further. I am tired of doing that as well.
I think I have done all of the other things I was told would make the home desirable for sale. It has been inspected and any flaws corrected, it has been updated, it has had a warranty plan to insure it for a year after sale, it is meticulous from end to end and in move-in condition, it has a continuing termite and pest control bond on it, and I have had it appraised. But I can't make it new. Impossible! However, it has only been lived in consecutively as a home for the time my Mom lived there after it was completed. She lived in it from late June until mid-February when my brother and his children found her in the floor one Saturday morning having had a CVA. She never returned home to live and died a year later. My husband and I have owned the home since that time and my primary home is in Raleigh. Since Ken died I have taken care of it and visited it for short periods of time. But....evidently it is a cursed little house and no one wants to buy it unless I am willing to "give" it away for very little.
Sometimes I think I should have put my Raleigh home on the market, stored my belongings and moved into that one.

Signing off for now.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just Rambling!

Do you ever get writer's block? I think I have a case every now and then. Perhaps it is just a case of "the mundane." Everything going on at our house seems mundane or then again it could just be a case of "locked brain" or more accurately no-brain!
Summer is getting away from me without me being able to do anything about it, as usual. I am truly loving these long, hot days. That is until I see the ac bill from Progress Energy. Even with Progress Energy's bad bills I still love summer, long days, melons, fresh tomatoes, the summer heat and my schnauzer girls. And I might add the water bill gets a little "up there" from running the irrigation system just so the grass doesn't burn up.

In a few days we once again will celebrate The Fourth of July. Everyone seems to enjoy the particular holiday. Wonder why? Anyone want to venture a guess? My guess would be that it has something to do with the fact that this holiday has no particular attachment to religion. Now I am aware that some would disagree with me on even that point but so be it!
My girls get really spooked at the fireworks. It doesn't matter in which of our two homes we are when fireworks go off it upsets my schnauzers. My Piper particularly seeks the place she perceives as the safest to hide, shaking from head to toe, and does not come out until the next day. This will be the first 4th for Kami so I don't know how she will react. She is a pretty brave little girl. My Sassy did react and hide. In both locations neighbors seem to enjoy setting off fireworks. Guess I need some doggie ear muffs that block sound.

Well, so much for this rambling nonsense, it is time to get to work doing something of value.