Thursday, July 21, 2011

Legislative Musings

How can Mr. & Mrs. We R Citizen(s) sit idly by and watch the action(s) of the current NC Legislative body and perceive that all is right with the world in the field of education???
It goes without saying that no one elects to pay more taxes -- we all get that. But....

From the beginning of this session in January so much has and is taking place in the way of spiteful actions that it is particularly alarming. We are getting a true picture of the natural man! I have observed that most often if the vengeful actions were traced back to the perpetrator the rationale given is, " we are paying them back for their actions when we were the minority" or "we are paying them back for supporting the other party." Whether we are looking at the action taken to spite the educators' professional organization or the drawing of new political voting districts. It is truly, truly mean. I am not sure I have ever seen more blatant legislative actions.
I think one of things making it seem especially raw is the state of the state and nation economically. It would seem that the financial situation would inspire lawmakers to work more closely together and pool their accumulated experience and knowledge to benefit the citizenry in every way possible. I am truly disillusioned.

This week brought the ruling from Judge Manning pertaining to the cuts made by the legislature to Pre K education. Judge Manning used the Leandro Case as a basis for ruling that the cuts were unconstitutional in that they would deprive certain kiddies an opportunity for a Pre K education. Of course, the downtown legislature building rose up from its foundation in protest as soon as his ruling was made public. He is wrong, yelled they.
But is he wrong?? Who profits and who loses when ALL children coming to school have been exposed to the skills and objectives taught in pre-school?

Believe it or not there are students entering school from some of the more well educated families (as well as those who are financially able) who are the least prepared for the school experience in addition to those who are economically deprived. Surprised??
Some folks don't even like their children!! Is that a surprise to any one?

When ( if ever) will those in charge in every venue "Put Children First?"

I never had the privilege of having children of my own but I understand the true meaning of "putting our children first" in all ways to perpetuate their growth, education and development.
The future of this great nation rides on their shoulders. Rise up for children and students.

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