Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just Rambling!

Do you ever get writer's block? I think I have a case every now and then. Perhaps it is just a case of "the mundane." Everything going on at our house seems mundane or then again it could just be a case of "locked brain" or more accurately no-brain!
Summer is getting away from me without me being able to do anything about it, as usual. I am truly loving these long, hot days. That is until I see the ac bill from Progress Energy. Even with Progress Energy's bad bills I still love summer, long days, melons, fresh tomatoes, the summer heat and my schnauzer girls. And I might add the water bill gets a little "up there" from running the irrigation system just so the grass doesn't burn up.

In a few days we once again will celebrate The Fourth of July. Everyone seems to enjoy the particular holiday. Wonder why? Anyone want to venture a guess? My guess would be that it has something to do with the fact that this holiday has no particular attachment to religion. Now I am aware that some would disagree with me on even that point but so be it!
My girls get really spooked at the fireworks. It doesn't matter in which of our two homes we are when fireworks go off it upsets my schnauzers. My Piper particularly seeks the place she perceives as the safest to hide, shaking from head to toe, and does not come out until the next day. This will be the first 4th for Kami so I don't know how she will react. She is a pretty brave little girl. My Sassy did react and hide. In both locations neighbors seem to enjoy setting off fireworks. Guess I need some doggie ear muffs that block sound.

Well, so much for this rambling nonsense, it is time to get to work doing something of value.

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