Sunday, December 4, 2011

One Day At a Time.....

The journey has been long, the road full of detours, the pavement rocky and laden with potholes but on December first, I, for the last time closed the blinds, locked the door and closed it behind myself. I had finished the task and felt much like I had been through a refiner's fire. It was done. With my sister's help I had cleared from the home all of my Mom and Dad's earthly belongings. Those we chose to keep had been placed in one of our homes, the others we had disposed of in a respectful manner.
Forty nine years of my life came to a close. Bittersweet....the best description.
For the better part of three to four years (mostly in the summers) I had prepared the home for my eventual departure, updating those items that I could in preparation for a new owner. I painted, removed wallpaper, put in new light fixtures and some appliances, replaced flooring, replaced plumbing fixtures, power washed, covered all the wood exterior to both protect it from Mother Nature and avoid incessant painting,and put in new kitchen counter tops. In the end I had a contractor divide one huge bedroom into two, install fire alarms in each bedroom, and make small corrections that an inspector recommended. I had removed an old tree from the yard that troubled a neighbor. I felt I had finished the work. I am certain there are other corrections I made on this journey but the major ones I have named.
The home is sold and today has a new owner and a new occupant.

My Mom built it in 1990; moved in about June 15th of that year and lived there until February of 1991 when my brother and his family found her in the floor of her bathroom. A CVA had, at some time earlier, done its damage and our Mom would never be the same. She died approximately one year later. I and my husband owned the home from July of that year until now. Ken died in 1998.

Now is the time for big decision making for me. I live in Raleigh alone with two doggie girls. I have no relatives here. The members of my family live approximately 2-3 hours from me. But my friends are here.
IF I move, will I be happy? Does that matter?
IF I stay, do I put "undue inconvenience" on them?
Do they really care???
My guess is that they just hope I will be happy and can take care of myself.
I have, to this point in my life, been blessed with very good health. For that I am very grateful. I don't like having to make these decisions --- it may take me a while.


Rachel said...

I vote stay in Raleigh. We love you here. What an emotional time though, you're amazing and I'm proud of you!

Julie said...

It sounds like you are going through a difficult time. I'm sorry. You are in my thoughts. I wish our family was closer to you, but I'm guessing Minnesota and Utah aren't in the running for places to move. :) I'm sure you'll know what to do.