Wednesday, December 31, 2014


So here we find ourselves or myself, I should say, at the end of another year asking myself, " have I used these 365 days to benefit mankind and those for whom I care most." The correct answer is probably no with a million exclamation points. But I must remember the words of leaders who admonish us to move forward and not look back to wallow in our failures as there is nothing to be gained. This is always true but human nature being subject to natural tendencies we are always tempted to wish, regret, and perhaps even learn from our previous experiences. As a new year dawns in a few hours one can hope and pledge to do better than previous years and move forward with that intent. So welcome 2015 us/me to be better, improved, and to make use of every minute to its fullest degree.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Doing Your Part ...or Going to the H - - - Place!!

Today and for the last few I am short tempered, impatient, and tired of the same ole same ole!! I should probably go back to bed and start another new day later. For more than a week I have felt like a walking zombie with my head in an electric mixer thanks to a sinus infection. As a result I am really truly short on patience and just plain fussy!

Today, I do not like suck-ups and people who, while perhaps thinking they are doing their job (calling), approach you with this "do-gooder" attitude and the line starts out with, "Could you please come and let me talk to you just about three minutes to offer you the opportunity to do a little service for some who need it?" It would certainly be appreciated if you could do your part. The entire time your brain is working in 25th gear asking itself, "what the heck is this about, now?" "What is it so needful of my services." You are a widow maintaining a home and caring for two canines one of whom is sick with diabetes, holding down four of these church jobs otherwise known as service opportunities already! Everything that happens in your home and to your vehicles is your responsibility. There is no second person in your household to help. Questions wash over you like, Am I doing your part? Can I actually do one more thing? Do I really want another "service opportunity?" Do you really want to do this thing you are being asked to do? No, you truly do not. Thus, you try to say No politely in every conceivable way possible but "ain't nobody listening!" To get your point across someone needs to be listening with their ears open, not closed. What this person actually hears is you gladly and graciously thanking him for this opportunity!! What you are actually saying is, "Is there no one else without other responsibilities who can do this job each week?" The question is passed over quickly, " no they want you." So you sit there wondering what is so magical about you that there is none other!! While some would be 'bustin' their buttons' and feeling excited about this you give up trying to persuade this 'do-gooder" that your plate is really full -- and no thanks.

So you find yourself trapped in a situation, resentful, and feeling like a victim of persuasive techniques over which you have no control. Slowly seething....wondering how this will all play out when you come to your senses.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Equality and Pairage

What is hoped to be accomplished when two people of the same gender unite their lives in "pairage?" I don't see how you can call it marriage because that, according to the good book called the Bible, happens between two people who can procreate as in man and wife. You can't change anatomy and biology. Mother Nature decreed it. It reminds one of laws put into effect when a great majority of the public disagree. The public (by and large) will by and large obey the law of the land but will not accept the law. So...simply passing a law and allowing pairage changes nothing in the minds of people who believe differently. If what is expected is the acceptance by all.... that can quickly be dismissed. Don't be blinded with the emotion involved. It only clouds the issue; there is no clarity. Probably most hurtful to those participating in pairage is that those they would like to most accept their union will not; thus that desire goes unfulfilled. Some will even feel hatred. THat part is sad for all involved.

I understand that which is desired by those thus afflicted. But no person on this earth can change the laws of God. The law is bound by creation -- none of us have or control that power. At the same time not many people would want to deny anyone of happiness in this earthly sojourn. It is difficult at best.

On the other hand some of these people involved in pairages have either had children by obtaining children (or a child) through adoption or artificial insemination of some sort. Others may have been previously married and have children they bring into a pairage with them. None of us would deny that these children are loved. But they are, in many cases, denied the opportunity to be parented by a parent of each sex. While one can say this happens all of the time in our society one can agree that it does although that is not always the most desirable type of parenting, assuming abuse of no type be involved in the parenting.

I know that the decisions being made by the court have been long awaited by many pairs. However, I am not certain that it will ever accomplish what seems to be most desired.....unless what is desired is joint benefits as in $$$$.

I don't expect anyone the agree with me. I don't apologize for what I believe and see as the big picture. I do not think I have stated anything in this blog that is not true. Do you have an opinion??

Friday, September 26, 2014


Boots are all about fashion these days and have been for several years. Reminds me of that Nancy Sinatra song of a few moons ago called 'These Boots Are Made For Walking,' I think. It is interesting to watch how fashion recycles/repeats itself. I am assuming that song came about when boots were the trend last time.

Boots looks very nice on some people and with some dress items. But why oh why do people abuse the use of an item just because it is available. Or at least that seems to be the reason -- the most logical one. This season ankle boots seem to be the most readily available item that I see so this must be the newest trend. So...soon to be either "rocked" or abused is the the shortest/shorter boot. Abused as in women not realizing that a short boot cuts the profile of the leg and makes it seem heavier if you are inclined to have curvy or to put it bluntly heavier legs. If one thinks they make you look like a "fashion plate,' forget that thought. It just doesn't do a thing for your chubby little leg.

Don't get me wrong. I like boots when they are worn with the correct clothing items! I wore out a bunch of majorette boots with high school band in my day. Realize that I am a thousand years old and there was a time when they were used extensively in that role. We wore those little short little band uniform skirts, too!! Cowboy boots are great with jeans and maybe with those little shorty cow girl skirts! My little nieces have some cutey pink cow girl boots they have worn as they grew and wore short little dresses with them. On little girls they are often cute.

On adult women taller boots are trickier when they are worn for style and not to plow through the snow. Plowing through the snow is a totally (altogether) different assignment for boots with which I have no argument. Bring on the boots for snow and ice!! Now those tall boots look great with longer skirts, riding skirts and or with opaque stockings and shorter skirts. However....there are some looks (with boots)...that just leave me shaking my head!! Of course, I will be the first to admit I am no boot authority --- but they do look a little strange! Anybody else have any opinions on this "boot thang!"

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Just Like Me!!

I can not believe how much I am just like me...all of the time. By that I mean I am shocked that my thought patterns are the same. You see....I came back to my blog and looked at posts I had started and shelved last year. The following is the beginning entry from last August..... I think it is just disgusting that we are halfway to the autumnal equinox! I so looked forward to Spring and Summer and it has not disappointed. While it has not been excessively warm this summer and the Spring was cool I am ***********
It stopped right at that point and I shelved it without going one word further.

Now, what could be strange about that?? The fact that I had been thinking those exact same words over the last several weeks. Why should that surprise me or even disgust me, as it did?? I am not really sure except that I guess I thought I was getting better, improving that is! What a bummer! I am the same ole same ole, as my late husband used to say. Moving forward how am I going to change this. Guess I am open for suggestions, anyone got some??

In the meantime, I am always sad when Fall makes its appearance. I have had lots of ideas of why this might be so. But I think it is a little unusual because I was born in the Fall. I am a late October baby. I am thinking that I should stop this nonsense of hating on winter because I am AGE-ED -- which means the days I have left on this good earth are obviously growing shorter. I should make every possible effort to enjoy each one to its fullest extent. One more question---why did it take me so long to discover this??

Saturday, June 7, 2014


It is somewhat unnerving to swing by this blog and observe that folks reading it are from far away lands. I think since I was able to talk one of my most used questions was "Why?". That is where the mind goes when I note these happenings.

Today is a graduation day out of about six that it takes to accomplish spring school completion for high school seniors in our area. Not only that but it is also the day of the memorial service in a city in this state for a poet and writer who passed away the latter part of last month. This is the second service in this area being offered after her passing. I have never been one who had an appreciation for either her poetry or her writings. Reading the accolades being printed in the press spurred my interest as to whether I am the odd ball out with my lack of appreciation. Surprisingly, or maybe not so much, my searching leads me to believe that there are others who have had trouble "getting into" writings whose first person language was not reflective of the character or writing of stories without a plot. I have personal thoughts of the rationale for style but I will keep them personal for a while longer. I am just always amazed at human nature and its lack of sincerity at given times. But, then again, perhaps there continues to be a reason why appreciation escapes me in this case.

More later.....

Friday, June 6, 2014

How Are Your Manners?

This is the message given with the Tabernacle Choir Broadcast, June 2014. I take no credit here and give credit where it is due.

"The Root of Good Manners"

Actor John Rhys-Davies sometimes speaks to young people about overcoming shyness. He says that it is quite natural to feel shy, to be uncomfortable in a room of strangers. His advice? "Turn it the other way around and think, 'I'm walking into a room full of very shy people, and my job is to make them feel at ease and comfortable in their situation.' That is really the root of good manners: making the people around you feel comfortable."1

Some people are so skilled at making others feel comfortable. They're genuinely interested in others; they're kind and thoughtful; they're easy to be around. Instead of focusing on themselves, they choose to be considerate and responsive, and they seem to take sincere joy in making people happy.

It's easy to assume that some people are just naturally outgoing-that it comes easily to them-and the rest of us simply aren't that way. But the fact is that with a little effort and practice, anyone can choose to be open, loving, and warm. That might mean we attentively listen, or we think, "What can I learn from this person?" For others, it might mean we speak up a little more or make the effort to meet someone new.

No matter whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you can learn to put others at ease. A young woman who left friends and family to attend college discovered this simple truth. When she began to extend herself, she found that more often than not, people welcomed her outreach. They, too, wanted a friend. They began to feel comfortable around her, and she made new friends wherever she went. She found that by making simple introductions and finding out about others, she could help people relax in her company and enjoy being around her.

The skill of good manners is not beyond anyone's reach-at its roots, it's simply a matter of forgetting ourselves and helping others feel comfortable.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Beast Known as Common Core

For more than a year the hatred for Common Core has spewed forth with the venom of a rattlesnake. Early on in this widely fought debate I fought a battle for CC. Now I fear that I, too, have given in or up--which ever it is. As a curriculum leader in a public school for some years I was schooled in the principles which were to govern this beast known as Common Core. The rationale establishing the need for this kind of curriculum was always that our students are weak in problem solving and are not able to explain their thinking. I often had the feeling that our leaders were going away for workshops and training and bringing back these new theories and approaches, presenting them to us and expecting that we would be the change agents in our assigned schools. What they did not understand nor anticipate was that teachers were not sponging up these ideas as a better way to get the job done. As leaders, we got it! We presented this material but we were not always well received. Why? As their resource leaders we were collaborating and trying to convince them of the need for change. My time expired without accomplishing that task. Now I can sleep in each morning after a long career in the classrooms of the schools in this state.

Recently I happened upon a former colleague in the grocery store one evening. I, of course, inquired about how things were going. Since the administration had recently changed at her school she replied, " Well, I can handle all of the changes with the new administration but this Common Core stuff is about to kill us."

When I inquired as to how Common Core made teaching so difficult she indicated what they were being required to do much and have students prove their answers in so many ways. She said time flew by each day but there did not seem to be enough hours in a day to get it all done. She went on to explain that students had lots of difficulty with the problem solving required to do the work especially in Math.

Much has been written in the press about and mostly against Common Core and all it represents. The ideas presented by the far right are by and large poppycock. I do not believe mining the data produced by the testing coupled to Common Core is an evil plot to collect information to carry forth and use against citizens. This is one theory put forth vehemently by right wing thinkers.

I have been away from the classroom for four years now. I am certain there is much I do not know about the details of Common Core. On the one hand I am prone to believe that we as parents are not taking advantage of our time with our preschool children to do the kinds of activities which stretch their minds early in their development. But I am not so stupid as to think that all children are ready for these kinds of activities on the developmental spectrum in preschool years.

The old cliche' applies here, "Times have changed." Kindergarten is no longer the developmental play year that it once was. Due to the entry of political control into the realm of education we are now expected to teach what once was a first grade curriculum to preschoolers and kindergartners. Sorry folks but this is what got us to the much hated Common Core everyone is complaining about.

This is the gospel according to Hilda.....right or wrong, it is my opinion!

Saturday, February 15, 2014

My Take on Curling

Now...before I start this rant one should know that I know very little about this sport (curling) other than that which I have observed during the last week or from that little bit of reading I have done. Prior to that the only things I knew about curling were those that people with straight hair did to their hair! (Incidentally, I do not fall in that group.) But, back to the sport now.

From what I have seen, it seems that these girls are playing this so-called game of trying to scoot this object (to be described) down a floor covered with ice to get it safely into an area on the floor called "home." Now about that object they are trying to guide along. They call it a stone or rock, or is it a smudge pot or a tea pot, say it is made of granite (?), but it has a handle on top of it. Ever seen a rock with handle?? Me, either! One of these girls pushes this "object" and heads it down the floor while two girls with a broom go running along in front of it sweeping the floor in front of it. Now supposedly this sport was played outdoors when it originated and the ground needed sweeping because there was junk on it but when they decided to play it indoors on ice they must have had to make up an excuse to keep those two players in the game, our day...they claim a scientific study has been done and those two girls running along sweeping the floor in front of the ball are helping it get to its destination for certain..the aforementioned destination called "home."

I wrote some more about this....I am mad right now because I am using Win8 and it keeps erasing what I write so I am quitting.

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Most of us enjoy associating with folks who have a "good sense of humor." In fact, many medical studies show that a good sense of humor is often found in those who are quite healthy. In that light, it usually means that we do not take life and ourselves too seriously. Have you ever known individuals who can tell a story in such a way that it is more enjoyable than it might have been without their "spin" on the story?? Sometimes we call that "spinning a yarn." Generally speaking, we probably all know folks who have this gift. Sometimes it is their homespun way, sometimes the terminology, or just the way they express themselves.

Some people express humor by making themselves the butt of the joke. That often works when we are exceptionally clumsy, have done something we consider a "dumb mistake" or faux pas. That usually works because the joke is on us and we are poking fun at ourselves.

But do any of us enjoy humor when it is at our expense or directed at a cause that is close to our heart. No....I do not think so. Yet, many late night hosts/comedians (of sort) take news items and folks who appear in the news and recklessly use them as targets of their humor. Of course, it is hoped that the person who is the target "has a sense of humor"--meaning they can laugh at themselves-- and will not take this as an insult to their integrity.

But where is the line drawn? Often these late night host/comedians use politics and politicians as the brunt of their jokes. Most of these folks either don't watch late-night or blow it off and move on. Sometimes those watching and other means of media continue to repeat these attempts at humor in the news. Why??? One can only assume because it is felt that the humor either went too far or was lurking on the edge of not being funny to any one or is it because they truly agreed with the premise of the "humor" and thought it was funny?

What do you think? Mind telling??

Friday, February 7, 2014

Acting With Kindness

I post (for my own benefit) the message from Music and the Spoken Word from Temple Square on 2 February 2014. A message of remembering to be kind to others, being less quick to judge, and loving one another

The Unfolding Story

We never know the whole story of anyone's life. We might know bits and pieces, parts of a person's background or circumstances, but never the whole story.

For example, it's estimated that more than 15,000 books have been written about Abraham Lincoln and another 50,000 about the Civil War. And yet, with all those volumes, more will yet be written. More details will be revealed, and each will be examined from new perspectives in the coming years. And even then, we will not know the whole story.

Likewise, each life is an unfolding story-a story of growth and learning and change, a story of happiness and heartbreak, a story of success and sorrow. So perhaps we ought to be a little more patient, a little more forgiving. Perhaps we ought to be slower to judge and quicker to love.

Many years ago, a 14-year-old girl contracted a severe case of chicken pox. Fever burned its way through her body, and before long, the unsightly pox erupted all over her skin. She missed several days of school before the doctor assured her that she was no longer contagious, though her face was covered with scabs.

Mustering all her courage, she boarded the junior high school bus that first day back. A thoughtless young man called out and made fun of her scarred face while his friends laughed. She pretended not to hear them as she walked toward an empty seat. If only they had known the whole story. If only they had known how difficult it was for her to face her peers that day.

Never forget that every life and every occasion are unfolding in a unique and distinctive way. We may know some, but never all, of the story, so err on the side of compassion. Hold off on criticism and sarcasm, and never withhold kindness and mercy. And then, someday, when the whole story is finally written, we'll be thankful that we were able to contribute-at least in some small way-to a happy ending.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hating on Cold

I detest cold weather. So far this winter we have had about 34 million cold outbreaks from the North Pole come far enough south to make us really quite cold. I am really not liking this at all because I hate winter no matter how you frame it. There are some folks who complain all summer long because we have more than enough humidity in our area. Humidity can really make heat stifling. In fact, humidity can make even warm temperatures unbearable. This is especially hard on people who have asthma or any type of breathing difficulties. Since I don't have those problems I do my best to just wipe the sweat and "just grin and bear it." And maybe wear out my deodorant a little quicker than usual.

Why do you suppose I hate winter so? I do not like being cold even more than I dislike being too warm. I find that short days disturb me because I love light and sunshine. If I get up in the morning and the sun is shining my soul is delighted. I have that "whatever disease" that means light deprivation. As we are two thirds of the way through January the days are starting to lengthen to the point that it is discernible for all to see. That, too, makes my soul a happy one.

Once upon a time when I was quite young, I waited for a ride home from work in a cold snowstorm as the snow accumulated and my fingers and toes got more and more like blocks of ice. By the time I got home that day I was in tears. My ride didn't come and that was before the days of cell phones. This was many, many years ago and I actually flagged down a car and asked for a ride. Fortunately for me, the driver was a trustworthy salesman who lectured me but gave me a ride home. I will not go further into detail, however it was a very dangerous thing to do and it was a different time than today even though it could have been disastrous for me. (Gee, what poor sentence structure.) I was afraid I was freezing and getting frostbite. I remember that when I got home I was so, so upset that my Mom wrapped me up very tight and worked to get my extremities warm. This event could have easily been a contributing factor for my dislike of the cold. Sometimes what we are has been colored by the experiences we have endured. Not complaining, just stating a fact.

Some day if I am moved upon I may write more of this experience but for now this is all.

Stay warm everybody and have faith....Spring Cometh!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Observations on Dieting... it is the first of the year of 2014 and folks have made New Year's resolutions (or revolutions as the little boy in the ad says) to lose weight. Not many people ever stick to their promises to themselves to do whatever those resolutions say. But today my thoughts are about the things folks do to lose weight. Some are doing these liquid diets for a week or two. You know the ones where they put disgusting things together in a blender or processor and make a more disgusting looking mess which they promptly drink or just take a picture of and put it on social media and taunt folks into thinking they drank the mess. Then there are some other liquid concoctions folks make just by putting things into water and letting them "stew" on their own. You know things like lemons, oranges, limes, etc. Enough acid to remove all of your dental enamel in one dead shot! Gotta drink this solution with a straw after having lined your tummy with several layers of Prilosec and its friends, the antacids!!

Let's see...these concoctions go by the sophisticated names of smoothies, fat flushes, body flushes, body detox.....whatever!!

Another interesting observation I have made is that quite often the folks on these diets as I have described have no need to diet at all. Usually their bodies are quite svelte, fit, whatever the correction description happens to be. ( Can't help but wonder if these kind of dieters have a severe case of constipation and need to smooth and flush!! Just a thought!!)

Now if I should decide to diet, I am thinking I would need to take a more serious approach, one not so modern as described above. I mean really, really diet...the old fashioned way like count calories, avoid sugar and carbs and all of that stuff. BUT...I am not thinking 2014 is a year I plan to engage in that activity ...or ever!!