Thursday, July 28, 2011


So what is going on with integrity as it pertains to athletes??
I am not and have never been a fan of UNC athletics. I am aware that for some of you admitting that makes me the enemy and discounts anything that I write further in the blog. Especially when I further admit that I would support NC State and sometimes Duke sports in preference. My admitting my fondness for Ohio State football puts me in further deep "doo-doo" as it pertains to athletics! As many sports fans are aware not only are the OS Buckeyes having sports integrity issues but also is the local fav, UNC. Now I must admit I get "NO jollies" out of seeing ANY collegiate sports program in trouble with the NCAA because of integrity issues. Rather it causes concern. One can not help but wonder what is going on in youth athletics -- school programs as well as various community programs -- as it pertains to teaching principles of integrity as well as modeling integrity in sports. We know for sure that those places are the beginning of meaningful instruction for young "wanna-be athletes."
Athletes should be held to the highest degree of Integrity.

Why do athletes seem so often (these days) to have an agenda of getting by with special perks
not allowed the rest of the population just because they are athletes? (as in paying your parking tickets, not parking in reserved parking places, plagiarizing) I think athletes know they are not to receive cash from donors or agents when involved in college athletics. I think they understand the limits of their scholarships. Why has it not been ingrained into their psyche that to be an athlete means you must be a model of integrity and good behavior? Does it matter to them that gazillions of people not to single out youth are looking up to them? Why is this not the primary principle emphasized in the athletic program over and above winning?
I know the answer most often given --- the almighty dollar rules over integrity. Drill down and take a look! Contributors give to a winning program, not so much to a losing program.

And I think I know some of the reason athletes get the wrong idea about being an athlete. Look at those individuals playing professional sports. There are few models of integrity in that avocation where many collegiate athletes hope to "matriculate".

Why should a fantastic research and state university like UNC have to worry about an issue like this "chipping away at the academic reputation" of this university?? I am not sure they did or do. This was an issue of cheating athletes who lacked integrity at their very own personal core.
I personally do not believe this was a problem of Coach Davis or Dick Baddour. So sad for both of them. The price one has to pay for athletes without character or values!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said Hilda!