Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Here We Go Again....

Today is March 2nd and here we go again. Weather predictions of snow in the Carolinas. Usually everyone who breathes would be excited! No??? No, not this time. Most adults are tired of Miss El Nino and her bag of tricks. Go away, we want Spring. You know Spring, warm stuff, daffodils, crocuses, hyacinths, and then Easter. Mother Nature does not seem to be listening this year. Slow Learner, I guess that is what we can call her. But when all is said and done we know in our heart of hearts that Spring will not be far behind. It may be a little chillier than we would prefer but the calendar doth tell the story.
Nevertheless, life goes on and there are things to be done. SO lets get on with the fun stuff of life and living. One of the not so fun things that must be done before mid-April is that annual accounting with Uncle Sam and balancing the til-- what is his and what do I get to keep. Not my favorite task.

1 comment:

nelsonjeneen said...

Agreed! I am tired of snow and want the Spring to come. :)