Saturday, November 6, 2010

Deception.... as I see it...

I reflect on happenings in the world of politics. But first let me set the record straight about where I stand on politics. I do not believe that I could categorize myself into a political party as they exist today. I voted this week and split my ticket the whole way voting for those who I felt were best qualified out of the choices given.
There have been several issues in the world of politics that have made my type A negative blood boil recently. The first has been the treatment of a certain chemistry specialist, with the SBI who has been doing their specialty work in blood spatter and pathology, I think for lack of a better official title.
The other issue has been the deceptive practices of right-wing groups in hiring college students to prowl the streets outside of Congress during an election year to goad, mock, and tempt legislators in such a manner continuously until they get negative reactions from the congressmen, film those interactions, and use them in a derogatory and deceptive manner to trick the public into believing the congressmen are BAD! Then using those clips on public media to make it seem that they(the students) were attacked on the street by our representatives out of the clear blue while they ( the college students) were totally innocent. The entire incident in one case was framed. For a moment it was difficult to find who knew these student(s) and had sponsored their activities. ($, I mean.) Obviously, they knew it was a set-up but only after it was presented to the public for the gullible to buy right in to the intent of the perpetrators. To me, that is true deception, a concept I taught to my fifth graders for years about advertising techniques.

Then we have the "crucifixion" of Chemist B by the local rag sheet. I keep waiting for some soul to defend this man. Looks like I may keep waiting a while. As I understand this issue, in his defense, he was doing what he had been given instructions to do from his superiors. Whatever the issue with the released convicted prisoner, B did as instructed. His training in blood chemistry came from those same FBI trainers who were offering criticism. No one has his back in this issue. His fearless leader tried to defend him and she was promptly moved by the governor to another department of government and he was left to take "the medicine." I do not know about his so-called "conflicting testimony" to which reference has been made ( in the press) but I suspect it all falls into the same category. B, as I know him, is an honest man as are his parents who trained and raised him. The deception in this issue does not lie with B.
When the press decides to train-wreck a career they assume they know all of the facts and have all of the figures. This time I do not buy in.

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