Saturday, November 20, 2010

So You Think You Are Boss....

What a difference ten days makes in a house with one less schnauzer! I wouldn't say there is a word to describe it -- other than different. We now have two schnauzers vowing to be number one.
A young one whose spirit will not be dominated or intimidated. A six year old who puts up with nothing but seems to be cutting the younger one a little slack while she seems to mourn the vacancy left by Sassy.

Sassy had an "easy" personality. It was as if you couldn't shake her ego. She knew who she was and no "upstart" could shake that. She seemed to know she was first in my heart so cut all of the shenanigans you please but when it is over you haven't changed anything. These two (Kami and Piper Kensleigh) are worlds different from my Sassy.

But now there seems to be a constant fight for my attention, to get out the door first, and there is some kind of confusion going on about who takes the first bite when I feed them. I think Kami really knows she isn't the head honcho but she isn't sure sure about the pecking order yet. Her little spirit is right in there vowing for every inch and squinch it can get!!
Watching dog behavior is intriguing. They want to be members of the same pack, they do not easily accept others, they spar with one another (play fighting), but past that it is very hard to figure it all out. I have been a schnauzer Mommy for almost twelve years and I don't have it all straight yet.
Stay tuned.........

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