Among other suggestions being made to improve the US budget deficit was cutting Social Security and other programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. Most of us know individuals whose only income is the little bit they receive from Social Security. Not only is that "little bit" taxed since the administration of President Clinton but individuals are required to pay for Medicare out of that little bit. Rather than cut benefits of deserving individuals why not look for those who are receiving benefits and who never contributed to SS as well as those who are immigrants to this country and receiving many, many entitlements from Social Security benefits, health care, food stamps, and who knows what else without contribution.
Of course, much of what is proposed may never be enacted but it does give concern when among the first things mentioned when the hatchet men start to work is that which concerns an element of the population less able to help themselves and those who have worked their entire lives for the little bit of return they are receiving during these the sunset years of their lives.
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