Saturday, November 6, 2010

Doggie Tails er Tales.....

Why do I write this blog....I dunno...perhaps it is for documentation. At least that was my training for all of a professional career.
For some weeks now a portion of my time has been consumed with caring for a houseful of canines --well, maybe not a houseful, but three. One is very sick preparing to cross over, one is a six year old sweetie who seems to understand something isn't right, and one is a five month old puppy who just thinks everything is such fun. I spend a lot of time coaxing my sick one that she really does want to eat stuff that is good for her and to take her meds. For my six year old, I spend time getting her meds for Fall allergies in her, keeping her fed and feeling wanted and not left out. For my five month old puppy I spend lots of time "trying" to potty train (she wears diapers inside), playing with her and trying my best not to step on her as she follows me around. All three want to be with me every where I go but my precious Sassy just stays in the place I put her for comfort with her eyes following me.
Now why would an old woman like me enjoy this kind of life. Wish I knew the answer but I am not sure I do. They are all three precious to me. They keep me from being lonely. They make life interesting and I just love observing their behaviors. Is that reason enough??
I worry about doing the right thing for my Sassy who has fallen victim to the big C. A cancerous tumor in the brachial plexus for which there is no cure and has spread to the nervous system. Will I know when is the right time to end her suffering and let her go? Will I know when it is best for her and she is ready? I worry about this. Not an easy choice.

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