Sunday, October 31, 2010

Do you believe.......

Let's just get straight to the question that plagues me. Everyone seems to have a different idea. Do dogs have souls and will there be dogs in heaven? Three things bring this to the forefront of my mind again today -- Halloween of all days!!! First, CBS This Morning has done a spot today on Crossing Over and whether there is an afterlife. Secondly, in Thursday's N&O the God Squad editorialist Marc Gellman wrote a response to an inquiry, "Where do your pets go after death?"
Thirdly, the impending passing of a beloved pet (schnauzer) of my very own.
Katie Couric interviewed several guests and authors about passing over, tales of passing over, why humans choose to believe this, and explanations for these experiences "they" claim to have. (I could not help but wonder as she asked several probing questions what she really believes knowing that she has lost both a husband and a sister in recent years to cancer.)
Marc Gellman writes in his column that he has answered this question several times in the past.
I quote," The official line of the major faiths is that animals don't go to heaven because they don't have souls." Says he, " Like us, animals are created by God, but unlike us they were not created in the image of God and therefore do not have souls." He goes on to say, "this does not mean that they can be abused, though, and it doesn't mean they're incapable of love and loyalty."
Feel free to search for his column and read it if it will assist your ponderings. Doesn't help me at all!
However, he does end his response with his opinion, "I believe we won't be separated forever from those we love, including our pets." Whoa, what???? What did you just say? AND what do you really believe??

Are we all just assuming, hoping, having faith that mercy will be shown to our desires to have those we love with us? Where is the proof that animals have a life with us after death?

Well, what is your opinion? I would certainly like to hear from those who read my blog.


Christy said...

I 100% believe that our pets will be there on the other side. Wasn't this world fashioned after the world we came from? Weren't all the intelligences gathered before the creation? I'm sure your sweet schnauzer was there. If you consider the soul to be the combination of our earthly body and our heavenly spirit then I feel our pets certainly have one. Yes, our spirits and roles are different but that doesn't mean that pets don't have a purpose here on this earth or a continuation of their existence afterwards. I have no prophetic council to base my thoughts on, just what I've gained in my own understanding. I'm sure you could pray about it and get your own sense of peace on the matter. I know our Heavenly Father is so loving, how could he not include such loving creatures in our future.

Julie said...

Yes, I absolutely believe it. Amen to Christy's comment!

I hope you are doing well! I haven't looked at your blog for a long time, but I will definitely be back to catch up soon. I miss North Carolina and our friends there (you!) so much.