Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Beloved Sassy

My Sassy schnauzer and I have had almost twelve wonderful years together. She came into my life for Christmas of 1998 after Ken had died in May of 1998. Sassy was born in Tennessee on June 15, 1998. My brother-in-law, Clyde, got her for me for Christmas and loved her from the time he picked her up at the airport. She loved him and her Aunt Kathy. Clyde passed away on January 4th of this year.
During our visit to her doctor today the vet confirmed what I have dreaded to hear. She estimates about six weeks at a maximum -- that is the time I have left with a dog who saw me through some the absolute worst days of my life. She has the sweetest personality of any schnauzer I have ever seen. She is what I call laid back and easy. She puts up with most dogs but growls at our new family member, Cami. The vet thinks it is in protection of her own pain.
But as sweet as Cami is she is all puppy and sometimes a pest!
My job for the next few weeks and the days I have left with my Beloved Sassy is to love her all I can and keep her pain free.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I'll be thinking of you and Sassy over the next few weeks. I hope her passing is easy on her and that you're able to help her through the pain. Call if we can help.