Saturday, October 9, 2010

Just Another Fall Day!

One of those beautiful Fall Saturdays. Reminiscent of my years with Ken. October-- a month to get the grass ready for a winter and get in the plantings of fall and winter flowers you would like to enjoy. A good time to clean up the garden spot if you have one. A wonderful day for all of the football games that monopolize television today. Alabama has been a powerhouse thus far this season but has been defeated by South Carolina and Steve Spurrier. Losing will be hard for them and I am certain many people will call it a fluke. However, I had a dear friend to tell me this morning that he thought Steve Spurrier's team would beat Bama today!

In our house today the Mama (me) is fighting with a head cold, sinus, and allergy problem. Not too fun to be allergic to grass when it seeds out. Other than that the doggie girls have been pesty -- both to me and each other. Cami got through the fence and ran off for a minute -- even though I had reinforced the wrought iron fence with a mesh. Some how she managed to get up over 18 inches of mesh and through the picket. It will be a relief when she is too big to slide through.
Sassy doesn't feel very good and is ill with Cami. Piper Kensleigh plays with Cami but feels left out by the attention Cami gets because she is a puppy and a pest!

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