Friday, November 19, 2010

Scrooge Season

Yo, tomorrow is this town's Christmas parade and thus the madness begins. It will not end until January 1st, 2011, when everyone's pocket is practically empty or they are deeply in debt or both. There was a time in my life when I, too, looked forward to this time of the year. But I must confess that I have become an old lady Scrooge.

Oh, I enjoy the music and some of the events that come with the season as much as anyone but the cons outweigh the pros for me. That the nations of the world set aside a day to celebrate the birth of the Christ child is quite commendable. The way we celebrate leaves a lot to question.
That the holiday brings families together and that they want to share with one another are both desirable events IF we are able to make the connections back to the Savior and his birth. Too often what is happening to celebrate has not much to do with the true meaning of the holiday.

I sometimes find myself just being glad when it is all over and everything is back to "normal" if there is a normal. Sorry Christmas season lovers but it is what it is.

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