Wednesday, January 5, 2011

More on Music and Me

Well, here I am on post two about music, vocalists, and my preferences after having edited the last post. I know I will get an earful from some mortal on how weird I am. That will not be new, though.
Now about string music. I really love string instruments but do not have the mentality to play one. I can plunk away on a ukelele but that is about as far as it goes. I love a good fiddle -- nothing better than a solid one in an orchestra whether symphony or at a spirited hoedown. Strings can be rich. (Some can be stringy, too!) I love the voices of a good bass fiddle and a cello. Those blended with a nice french horn are a real treat. I love banjo and mandolin. But.....I do not like country and western music -- as in vocal. Especially, female vocalists. I can tolerate some male voices somewhat. Strange but there are some selections done by male vocalists that sit on a fence between these genres that I like. I will think about those and update this post. In the meantime do not favor me with any bluegrass sangers, or c and w female sangers, puulleeze.

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