Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Jumpin' Jehosophat

Now, here I am back today with some adventures of the old gypsy woman and her two canine gypsies. Today we have just realized that we have fifty-four more days until DST again. Can you yell a big "hal-leh-luh!" Well, let her rip, sister! Can't wait to hear yours! Mine was oh so good!

What a miserable cold winter. Can I complain any more and any louder? I am really gettin' tired of myself!! So right now I am committing to stoppin complaining and start doing my "sprang cleaning" right away so as I don't have to miss watching for" sprang". Now ain't that a plumb splendid idea or idear as the natives sometimes say in the ole north state.

It must be time for the resolutions because I think it is time for me to start being more productive as well -- so I better get started on that, too. I have to get my backfield in motion which means I may have to wait for the dang thang to thaw being as it has been frozen ever since December came along. (Uh, I forgot I wasn't supposed to mention.....)

You know I get to go out in the garage this week and move everything four feet off of the wall. I am sure you are thinking what is she talking about now. Well, when the termite inspectors came to do their annual inspection the little critters had reared their heads behind the freezer in the garage. So now I get to move everything into the middle of the garage so that it can be re-treated for those little pests. My home is ten years old and this is the second time the critters have broken through the barrier. Something smells about that story. Oh well, Not fun. Gotta go get to work!

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