Thursday, January 6, 2011

Private or Secrets

Quite often when I write stuff on this blog it is done quite tongue-in-cheek. What I write is often my way of looking at the world. Lately I have been really wondering about an issue that I probably do not understand at all.
I think the majority of us understand when we put anything on the internet that the world is going to "have at it." I would hope that we also understand that there may be / and are things about us on the internet that we did not put there nor would we necessarily want them there by choice. Try googling yourself.

With that said I am perplexed as to why folks make their blogs "private." Now, how private does one think the blog is going to be. The other thing that often puzzles me is why folks would care who looks at their info on Facebook. I see this little bit about checking on who is looking at your info. Well, you put it on Facebook for people to look at -- so why would one care who is looking or "stalking" as it is called.
Perhaps I am missing something in all of this . Can't figure what!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I completely agree! If you don't want people to read it...don't publish it on the web! :)