Monday, January 3, 2011

Are We There Yet...or ..Is It Over Yet???

Wowwee!! I think it is over! The season of frazzled feelings, busted budgets, terrible tears, and expanding waists..umm wastes, too! For us in the old North State it was a season of really cold temperatures concluding with a White Christmas, Irving Berlin's dream of a picturesque holiday.
At least for those who spent Christmas in Raleigh and the surrounding area it was a white. For those of us who escaped this place it wasn't very white. At the southern coast we saw snowflakes blowing in the wind but without accumulation. To me that is the bestest kind!

The kiddies were all excited and sometimes it is as much fun watching their parents create excitement for them. We have lots of little babies in our family -- the oldest turned six on December tenth. The youngest turned six months on Christmas Day. Another is expected in June.
They have to be the cutest ever, of course. By next year it will really be a wild affair with them having a better understanding of this whole gifting thing. I imagine the most popular gift among the older adults will be ear muffs or ear plugs!

Secretly I am really happy that it only comes once a year. But I think I will keep that to myself lest I be declared Hyper-Scrooge. It used to be that the mad rush happened from Thanksgiving through New Years. Now it seems a blur from Halloween through New Years. What happens next?

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