Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Domesticating Me

So I have decided to again become domesticated! Huh?? Yes, if I can get my act together I am going to act like Holly Homemaker for at least a minute. For many years, too many to count, I have been involved in a profession that owned me--meaning it consumed all of my spare time.
While I am not divorcing that profession I am being tempted to dabble back into one of my former hobbies, activities, whatever you might call it.

At one stage of my life I made most of the clothes I wore to work, church and wherever. I grew up in a home where my Mom made everything whether it was clothing for us and herself or other items she used. Therefore, one of the first things I did as a young married was acquire a sewing machine and do likewise. As the years moved along I often found myself with not enough time at home to complete clothing for which I had purchased patterns and fabric -- sometimes getting as far as cutting them out and sewing parts together. I also was losing interest as I was cramped for time and had to move on. So sewing went by the way side. I gave up.
I continued to mend and do some tailoring as needed to purchased clothing. I also purchased a Bernina serger. It helps with finishing edges.

After Ken died I purchased a new Bernina machine and thought I would get back into sewing. But I didn't. Instead when I built a new home I misplaced or packed away essential parts of that machine and have never been able to locate them. There have been times when I needed to use the machine to mend or for other tasks and I have learned to make-do with what I can do with hand needlework. So.....I had read reviews of the machine used on Project Runway garbs! I kept seeing one of the machines, refurbished-- and all-- on
When they ran it at a fair discount right before Christmas I decided to take the chance and purchase one. So now I have that little machine looking at me everyday. Time will tell if I can get the bug again and decide to give it a try!! I continue to have some mending to do....hhmmm.
Or would I rather open a tutoring service?? Big decisions.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Yay! Sewing rocks. But so does tutoring, I'm thinking Mason really needs some math help, so if you go that route, we can talk. But for your sake, I say get a few simple projects going with the sewing. I love it, it's cheaper than therapy.