Friday, December 23, 2011


I guess it is OK to celebrate the shortest day of the year being over. (It was yesterday.) So.....whoopee....I can look forward now to longer days. What a relief. I have such a hard time enduring these short days. Something psychological goes off in my head and says it is bedtime by 5:30 PM when it all of a sudden is dark on these short days. And that is weird, folks.

Strange things keep happening round about. Today I read in the news that a Protestant minister made the declaration that it is easier to accept Newt Gingrich's infidelity than it is Mitt Romney's Mormonism ( in the Presidential race.) That is truly strange to me. He further said that the infidelity could be forgiven. Guess Mormonism can't be forgiven. Ho-Ho! Does anyone besides me think that kind of thinking is strange???

One late night commentator thinks Santa is just an old man on the roof with a bag of trash flopping around.
Bah Humbug, I guess. Of course, he was "being funny."
It must be Christmas. Hope Santa is good to you guys. Guess I will get a lump of coal.......again!

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Bestest Christmas Gift Ever!

For some thirty-five years I believed every homemaker and wife should have the House Beautiful, Traditional Home, Architectural Digest, type home --- which or whatever. It had to stay immaculate and HAD to be gone over weekly if not more often. Since there were no animals or children to soil anything it really was not so difficult to keep it that way. At least not from this perspective --- today.

Something happened when Ken died. For some unknown reason that I can never explain House Beautiful didn't matter any more. Not much mattered any more --- for the better part of seven years not much mattered. The home stayed clean but seemed more like a house. We had just built a new home on Wild Orchid Trail. That didn't really matter either. My family sensing my state of mind wondered if I would ever get beyond this paralysis.
So my sister and her husband purchased a miniature schnauzer pup for me for Christmas and had her flown to Wilmington from a breeder in south central Tennessee. They brought her to me on Christmas Eve and nothing has been the same since in my house. Gone is House Beautiful and I have welcomed House Canine since. That Tennessee girl I named Sassy and she was my companion until cancer claimed her last November. Training puppies, nursing sick doggies, walking doggies, playing with doggies ---all of these have been a part of my life since Ken. Now I have Piper and Kamelot (Kami).

Perhaps this change of lifestyle is all better said in an altered form of this poem:

Some homes try to hide the fact that doggies shelter there.
Mine boasts of it quite openly, the signs are everywhere!
For smears are on the windows, little smudges on the door.
I should apologize, I guess, for toys strewn on the floor.
But I sat down with the doggies and we played and we laughed and read;
And if the doorbell doesn't shine their eyes will shine instead.
For when at times I am forced to choose the one job or the other,
I want to be a homemaker ---- but first I'll be a doggie mother! 1

I love my schnauzer girls today -- both of them. In my memories always --The Best Christmas gift ever --- a schnauzer named Sassy. Rest in Peace my precious one.

1 Poem adapted from: 19 Dec 2011

And in The Dark Streets Shineth......

Christmas Season is here and our Christian nation takes note of its significance and the birth of a tiny son in a lowly stable somewhere in Bethlehem who we have come to acknowledge as our Savior, even our elder brother, Jesus Christ. At the same time in our twin cities of Raleigh-Durham we hear constant news reports of the trial of a young man accused of the heinous crime of having slain a bright young lady on the cusp of a career, in the prime of her young life, serving as President of the Student Body of UNC-Chapel Hill. Her loving parents watch daily as this trial plays out and this distasteful tale is told. This horrible, horrible slaying occurred several years ago in the hours of night as two young men kidnapped this young lady, had her drive the ATM's and extract her money, then shot her, one of them four times, and the other delivering the fatal shot to the head, leaving her in the street near her home with the excuse, "she saw our faces." Makes one scratch their head and ponder the value of a life. And then again the disrespect or lack of value placed upon life.

What difference does the life of one make in the life of another? Can it be measured? NO, I would say, not in earthly measure. The person whose life was so easily snuffed out could have meant the world to one or many people. She was headed toward a life of serving others and giving. So sad.

Let's change channels. In another arena we find Tim Tebow, young football player turned professional from having made a name for himself as a quarterback on a Florida team. Knowing of his deep religious convictions in his college days one should not be surprised that they continue to be a part of his practices even as he plays professional ball on a national stage. I assume folks thought his religious practices would go away but --- hey, these were so much a part of this young man's convictions that he continues to practice what he believes in spite of who might be watching or where he needs to bend his knee and offer thanks. The shocking part for most ---- he does it in front of everybody -- no matter who or where.
So... what is unusual about this?? The only part I see unusual is that the press continues to make it news. Why not leave this young man and his deep religious convictions alone? He believes .... maybe you don't... but leave him alone.
SNL made light of it on the Saturday night edition. Some of it could be categorized irreverant or even blasphemic.

I believe it would be best that we, as a nation, not trivialize his faith but acknowledge it, and show respect for him as a fine example that in the dark street still shineth those who believe and those who respect. Many are young people while not born in a lowly stable, yet born of goodly parents, trained at their knees, with loving, willing hearts ready to love and serve mankind. May all be blessed with the ....everlasting light.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What's Going On??

What EveR is going on at our house? I wish I knew what to call it exactly! It is an old woman's house plus "dawgs." Here it is ten days before Christmas and the shopping isn't finished. The four-legged critters are running hither and yon barking at everything that needs to be barked at while the two-legged critter stands in the middle of the floor scratching her empty head (that has a truly bad case of sinusitis) trying to figure out what to do. Things are truly topsy-turvy as two-legs tries to figure out what to do with all of the "stuff" brought up from the coastal house (when she sold it last week) -- where to put it while you figure out what goes out and what stays. All of this and Folks, It Is the Middle of Christmas Celebratory Whatevers!!

Oh, My Heavenly Stars!! Two legs needs to get in motion AND on a roll. Since all of this dealing with the "Stuff" will wait for cold winter days I am thinking she will take advantage of the seventy degree temperatures and try to finish what she can of that remaining shopping. Tomorrow is supposed to bring rain drops and after that temperatures more reflective of the season --- in other words it is supposed to get plain old COLD! On those cold days I am glad you can Christmas shop online sitting in your favorite comfy chair. Time is drawing near for the Ho-Ho man so we all need to get this done quickly.

Life is full of decisions to be made and problems to solve. Makes me wonder....Is That What's Going On???

Friday, December 9, 2011

Tra La La La! and More

Christmas music! Would you agree that most of us love it?? Perhaps because we only hear it during this one season of the year and often wish we heard more of it --- would that be a "little bit correct?" Maybe. Of course, we have the option of listening to it personally all year round if we prefer.

Well, at least one of our local radio stations has undertaken once again to assure that we hear plenty of Christmas songs this year. So they started playing Christmas songs early in November. At first that may sound like a wonderful undertaking. And maybe it is. But today I write of my own reconsideration of the worthiness of this effort. Now wait, just read on further before you think I am Bah Humbug.
In previous years when they did this I only really listened when I was in the car running around which usually was for short periods of time. But this year I was doing my "gypsy thing" and running up and down Interstate 40 as I unloaded my Mom's home (her treasures) into my own. So listen I did to Christmas music. Holey Moley, would you believe that sometimes it was so bad that I had to turn it down / off?? Some of the renderings were so "unlistenable" to my ears that I needed ear muffs! Truly I was somewhat appalled at some of the performances. So said I to me, "Why do you suppose these less than desirable performances of beautiful songs are used in this effort to have us enjoy Christmas music?"

At this point I had to put on my counselor's hat and really talk to myself. Said I to me, "Girly, don't you realize that other folks have different tastes in music than you? Have you forgotten that some in your own family do not agree with your taste and call you 'high brow?' You really need to conjure up several extra pounds of tolerance and use it wisely and quickly."

So I am trying --- really trying. But I also had a few more thoughts about this issue. Perhaps the music this radio station is using is being streamed by another provider and they have used all genres of music (even those I find not so desirable) in the creation of the tapes being streamed in order to keep Christmas music going 24 hours of the day.

I suppose I need to repent but ..... Do you think, perhaps, any of this is correct?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

One Day At a Time.....

The journey has been long, the road full of detours, the pavement rocky and laden with potholes but on December first, I, for the last time closed the blinds, locked the door and closed it behind myself. I had finished the task and felt much like I had been through a refiner's fire. It was done. With my sister's help I had cleared from the home all of my Mom and Dad's earthly belongings. Those we chose to keep had been placed in one of our homes, the others we had disposed of in a respectful manner.
Forty nine years of my life came to a close. Bittersweet....the best description.
For the better part of three to four years (mostly in the summers) I had prepared the home for my eventual departure, updating those items that I could in preparation for a new owner. I painted, removed wallpaper, put in new light fixtures and some appliances, replaced flooring, replaced plumbing fixtures, power washed, covered all the wood exterior to both protect it from Mother Nature and avoid incessant painting,and put in new kitchen counter tops. In the end I had a contractor divide one huge bedroom into two, install fire alarms in each bedroom, and make small corrections that an inspector recommended. I had removed an old tree from the yard that troubled a neighbor. I felt I had finished the work. I am certain there are other corrections I made on this journey but the major ones I have named.
The home is sold and today has a new owner and a new occupant.

My Mom built it in 1990; moved in about June 15th of that year and lived there until February of 1991 when my brother and his family found her in the floor of her bathroom. A CVA had, at some time earlier, done its damage and our Mom would never be the same. She died approximately one year later. I and my husband owned the home from July of that year until now. Ken died in 1998.

Now is the time for big decision making for me. I live in Raleigh alone with two doggie girls. I have no relatives here. The members of my family live approximately 2-3 hours from me. But my friends are here.
IF I move, will I be happy? Does that matter?
IF I stay, do I put "undue inconvenience" on them?
Do they really care???
My guess is that they just hope I will be happy and can take care of myself.
I have, to this point in my life, been blessed with very good health. For that I am very grateful. I don't like having to make these decisions --- it may take me a while.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Being "Retarred!"

Have I mentioned recently how much I am enjoying being retired?????
When I initially broke and dislocated my shoulder I had no idea how not working would impact a life that had been so involved with teaching (for all of my adult life) since graduating from college. I suppose the fact that my recuperation involved so many months of physical therapy plus the fact that the damage done to my shoulder was truly severe helped me realize I would need to invest much time and effort to healing. Recuperation and learning to manipulate and use my shoulder again became first in my list of priorities.

Now that my shoulder is functional I have settled into another group of priorities which have certainly become more pleasurable. I still love teaching and the field of education but it has become entrapped with so much controversy in NC (as well as the rest of the nation) that one can't help but be relieved to not be involved any more. I miss the continual course work and educational updates but not the hassle. I love learning!

So... lots of mornings I can just relax and sleep as long as I wish, get up and leisurely eat breakfast and read the newspaper. Then go about my day's activities. I hope I do not find myself getting lazy. If I do---guess what----I may just go out get a job and become un-retarred!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Remembering My Sassy

This day tears at my heart as I remember my first canine friend --- truly my BFF. I DID NOT want to send her away. That morning, a year ago, I carried her outside because that front paw worked no more due to the cancer. She attempted to squat as she always did to take care of "business." She fell down, then staggered forward and attempted again. I watched as she got to her other three feet and stood over against the wrought iron fence and looked back at me. Her pitiful, bewildered look let me know it was time. I had made an appointment (the day before) to take her in on this day to "do the deed." But during the evening and night I had changed my mind until I saw all of this. I had been awake most of the night and most of several nights trying to keep her comfortable and listening to her breathing. At this point, I knew. Dread filled my heavy heart. Indeed at this point, her life was in my hands. I simply made myself take her that day to her vet at Bowmans and put her out of her misery.
I think I would place it second among the most difficult choices I have had to make pertaining to life.

She was a precious dog and I loved her so! She had been my friend through so many dark days as I grieved Ken's death. I have missed her so. Folks who have never owned a dog could never understand. I will not attempt to explain....I don't think I could write so that others could comprehend the relationship between a beloved canine and the owner.

Now I have two more little girls similar to my Sassy. I love them in the same way. But in my heart there will always be that special place reserved just for "My Sassy." I will see you Sweet Girl, sometime, somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge. Just wait for me.
My precious, precious one.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Say now, do you know??

Aha, it is Monday, day to do the wash! But wash we shall not, instead we shall write.

The girls and I have spent the last few days at the coast at my sister's home. The girls had fun playing and romping in the big-big yard with my sister's two dogs. I helped my sister in the media center at her school with tasks she needed a hand completing.

The weather turned nasty and the temperature cooled as it got closer to the time for us to return to the big 'ole capital city. But by the time the day arrived the sun was gorgeous even if the temperature was somewhat nippy. As we rode along up to the big city of Wilmington the wind rocked our little suv back and forth as if it was going to lift us up like Mary Poppins and spin us around. The trees have turned their magical colors and quite frankly they looked a little spent!! Couldn't help but think as we traveled on that the next time we made this trip the leaves could all be on the ground and the trees' arms (limbs) sticking out all bare. As I used to tell my students, "It is difficult to understand trees. In the fall they take off all of their clothes and throw them on the ground just as the weather gets cold. We humans put on more clothes when it gets cold. In the spring when we humans get ready to shed our heavy coats, jackets and sweaters, then trees put their clothes (leaves) back on. Wonder why trees are so mixed up???

We stopped by our own home in Wilmington for just a few minutes. The winter rye grass is starting to come up nicely on the front lawn and looked very pretty and green. We could hardly make our way along the streets near Castle Hayne as it was the "Fall Polish Festival" at St. Stanislaus Catholic Church. The sides of the highway and the side streets are always full of cars with folks going and coming on this day. Evidently they have truly good Polish food during this festival because people seem to come from everywhere to attend each year. Fall festivals are great fun.
It all makes me wish we could stay young forever! I would love to teach school until the day I die.
Now I must close this entry because I need to hurry outside and plant some more grass seed. As you know I love spring and my fescue grass needs to be patched in spots.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Learning Decimals

For whatever reason decimals are extremely difficult for students to learn and put to practical use. That fact has been refreshed in my mind over the last few weeks as I worked with my sister in her media center with books in the library collection. The principal has been insisting she use student helpers. They have been doing some shelving of returned books.
As I worked on shelving books this past week I realized that the students seem to understand numbers left of the decimal and got those in "pretty good" order. But those to the right of the decimal threw them totally. Not only could they not get the numbers right of the decimals in order, they even mixed up the alphabet.

This served as a reminder of former years trying to teach decimals to fifth graders. It could be truly a task. Some students seemed never to be able to grasp place value and that it was not the same on both sides of the decimal. There were similarities (and maybe that is the thing that threw them.) On the left side of the decimal each succeeding place moving to the left multiplied the value by 10. But on the right side something opposite was occurring. While the number seems to be multiplied, the parts are actually smaller as you right!!! How can this be?????---has to do with that "ths" that you have to add to the place name.
Reflecting on it --- it probably is something developmental and has to do with maturity and whether the child / student has a true understanding of the place value system from the beginning.
The last year I worked I did some work with children in grades 1-3 who were not achieving in Math. It became clear to me that they were not and had not spent enough time on Math in the few years that they had already attended school. Sooooo -- if you are out there with little kiddies at home--always be sure you read, read, read with them -- but do not neglect getting them started early at home with a little math understanding and the value of numbers. You could easily do this by working with coins. Just sayin'.......

Friday, October 21, 2011


As the days have gotten progressively shorter I have found myself driving back from the coast in the dark more often than I would like. My poor vehicles have been generously covered with bugs, NC variety bugs, full of 'baccer juice I would say. They have made a mess all over the front end of my cars. Today I have used all kinds of removers plus a bit of muscle power trying to clean them away. Still more remnants remain than I would like. A friend suggested that I use some Comet or Ajax cleanser. Not sure what that would do to the finish.

My two schnauzers think they are "hooman." I wonder why??? They think they should have the same things their humanoid has to eat and that they should be allowed in the same places. I am beginning to believe that they have selective hearing as well. They understand just what they want to -- the rest-- they choose not to understand and pretend that they are dogs at that point.

Sometimes I wonder about myself. My brain and body seems to be scattered all over everywhere. I am running all over trying to get tasks done that really need to be accomplished and my days are eaten up without getting my work at home done. I will be glad when I focus on things I need to do about and around my home. Oh well, like Scarlett, there is always tomorrow.

Today there is a chill in the air and a nip to the chill. I think that means fall has really arrived. And then I heard that Greg Fishel guy talking about how rapidly we are losing daylight hours as this year of 2011 draws to a close. He also referred to the fact that we transition to EST in less than two weeks. At that point we will really feel the lack of daylight. Not too sure I am ready for that but do I have a choice?? Don't think so. So be it... and I have just turned on the gas logs to take the nip off the chill! By next week we will warm up again --- hip hip hooray!

That's all for now folks!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Fall & Me

I have decided for sure that I do not like Fall. Probably for all of the reasons everyone else likes Fall.
For starters, I have allergies. I am extremely allergic to ragweed, Johnson grass, and about a dozen other pesty little grasses that grow here in the south. My nose itches, my eyes water and itch; I just itch all over. I stay congested and it just is not fun.

Other disturbing issues for me are shadows and light. Even the days are darker because the shadows seem to be longer. The sunshine is so much more fun with its bright rays and warmth before the fall solstice. Now the days will continue to get shorter with each succeeding day. We will change back to standard time in early November and for at least four months I will be miserable.

Since Ken died I have not looked forward to any of the fall holidays. My only wish from year to year is just to get them over. It is an endurance task for me -- living through those holidays.
That probably seems sad to any one who reads this blog but it is what it is. I don't ask for or want sympathy for any of these feelings. It goes without saying we know that any of us could be left alone at any time in our life. Should that happen we just pick up what is left and do our best to deal with "it" in our own way. Thus, to me the holidays are just like any other day and I don't look forward to them I just live through them like any other plain ole day. Neither do I begrudge these days to any one who enjoys fall and winter holidays --- if they love them and have fun on and during them -- I am happy for them and like to see them happy.
Having said that doesn't mean that I don't wish for more hours of sunlight on those days. I certainly do. And so it goes with life, we make the best of what we have.

I don't like winter and cold temperatures. For the first twenty-one years of my life I lived where we definitely had winter, cold, and snow. I am so over that --like forever over cold weather. I just curl up into a knot and pray for it to pass.
And pass it surely will -- and Spring will come again followed by Summer!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Ditching (or Fixing) No Child Left Behind

So....finally..after many miserable years and immeasurable misery states are being allowed to opt out of NCLB. When the law was first enacted those of us with half a brain could foresee this day. However, it has taken far too much time and energy down with its existence.

What is wrong with NCLB? For starters, it was written by politicians without consideration for child development differences and even a smithering of knowledge of how and when (all) kids learn.
This law put every student in at least one sub group, and some students in many sub groups defined by race, ethnicity, language, ability, socio-economic levels, etc., all with the same expectations.
One year of progress for one year of schooling. It doesn't happen that way folks!!! That is all there is to it. Soon school leaders throughout the country were yelling about the inequities of the law. So... big brother "attempted to pretend" to hear their cries and added a few more little twists and turns.
The law never got better because the crux of the problem was never addressed.

Yes, all children can learn. But.... that is where it ends. All children do not learn at the same rate on the same scale to the same depth. Children with disabilities often have limits and abilities unknown to all of us. How can you ever pretend the write a law honestly addressing or measuring their abilities? That is what NCLB was portrayed to do.

Now remember in schools you have subgroups which include many subgroups of special education children --- EMH, TMH, BEH, LD, ADD. ADHD, Autistic -- the latest catch-all category for students who do not fit with any other exception.
Does anyone believe that these students grow and progress academically like regular ed students?? Only the writers of NCLB believed they did. Oh, by the way, do children all grow at the same rate???? Did your children have growth spurts??? Did they all happen at the same point in their lives??

So now, states are being allowed to opt out of NCLB so long as they (as states) have in place a state testing program as strong as or stronger than NCLB. Many states including NC already had that in place when NCLB was created. True, it has evolved and changed during this debacle.

It is time for politicians to get their fingers and hands out of education and allow educators to do their jobs without their interference.
Most politicians are elected by popularity rather than their "smarts." Sometimes it seems to me that it is by who is the dirtiest player in the game or the one with the most $$$$$.
Know what I mean???

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Story of My Fav....."When The Frost is On The Punkin...."....

Once more it is time to drag forth my favorite fall poem. As usual I simply must tell the story of how it saved James Whitcomb Riley's job. James wasn't having much success in choosing a profession when one of the family's friends gave him a job working for the newspaper. After some time the newspaper was taken over by a new owner who was interested in cutting expenses. Among the new owner's plan was to fire Riley from his newspaper job. Now, one of Riley's chores at the newspaper was to write for each publication, thus he wrote poetry for the paper and published it under a name -- not his own.
One day a politician wanna-be was trying to give a speech at a political gathering. When the "cat got his tongue" and he couldn't remember his speech he wound up referring to "when the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock." This was the poem that had been written most recently (by Riley) and published in the newspaper. When it was quoted the room broke forth with applause. The new owner of the newspaper recognizing what had happened was impressed that so many people were reading (and enjoying) his paper. The evidence was in the applause. Therefore, the story is told that Riley's poetry saved his job.


When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock,
And you hear the kyouck and the gobble of the struttin' turkey-cock,
And the clackin'; of the guineys and the cluckin' of the hens
And the rooster's hallylooyer as he tiptoes on the fence;
O it's then the times a feller is a-feelin' at his best,
With the risin' sun to greet him from a night of peaceful rest,
As he leaves the house, bareheaded, and goes out to feed the stock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock

They's somethin kindo' harty-like about the atmusfere
When the heat of summer's over and the coolin' fall is here -
Of course we miss the flowers, and the blossums on the trees
And the mumble of the hummin'-birds and buzzin' of the bees;
But the air's so appetizin'; and the landscape through the haze
Of a crisp and sunny monring of the airly autumn days
Is a pictur' that no painter has the colorin' to mock -
When the frost is on the punkin and fodder's in the shock.

The husky, rusty russel of the tossels of the corn,
And the raspin' of the tangled leaves, as golden as the morn;
The stubble in the furries - kindo' lonesome-like, but still
A preachin' sermons to us of the barns they growed to fill;
The strawstack in the medder, and the reaper in the shed;
The hosses in theyr stalls below - the clover overhead! -
O, it sets my hart a-clickin' like the tickin' of a clock,
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock!

Then your apples all is gethered, and the ones a feller keeps
Is poured around the celler-floor in red and yeller heaps;
And your cider-makin's over, and your wimmern-folks is through
With their mince and apple-butter, and theyr souse and saussage, too!
I don't know how to tell it - but if sich a thing could be
As the Angels wantin' boardin', and they'd call around on me -
I'd want to 'commodate 'em - all the whole-indurin' flock -
When the frost is on the punkin and the fodder's in the shock!

This poem is one of my favorites for teaching imagery to children. Generally children, today, have difficulty writing (expressing themselves) such that it paints pictures in the mind. As a teacher I found it to be a wonderful selection to use in the fall while teaching descriptive words and phrases. A few props that are wonderfully available in the fall, tastefully arranged in a corner of the room, plus a well used rocking chair and a teacher can be off and away with imaginations and a group of students!

My goodness those memories almost inspire me to teach writing to elementary kiddies again! That's all folks!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Interstate Adventures

Yesterday it was time for the Gypsies 3 (as I call us) to go to coast and clean up the yard at our home there. It was quite a warm day and I was rather wet with good old salty sweat by the time I finished the mowing and weed eating. Such fun activities! Anyhoo, the marketing agent and company is having an Open House there tomorrow morning and the yard needed attention. While there we or I, rather, did some inside primping -- like clean the toilets, dust, and vacuum.
And oh, I forgot to mention when I got there the AC was not working "up to snuff" so I called the repairman and took care of that problem.

Since I did not get there until afternoon it was dusk by the time I prepared to leave. One must observe that the days are getting shorter! Having had nothing to eat since toast for breakfast I stopped by the Mc Hardees and picked up a drink and a little nourishment. After that I filled the tank with gasoline which incidently was 345.9 in Wilmington but had cost me 367.9 in Raleigh when I topped off the tank. Go figure!!!! I don't get the price difference.

But on to the adventures---By the time I left the little town and got on I-40 it had gotten dark.
I set my cruise control, got my radio / cd player all set and my girls nestled down in their little dog seats for the next 130 miles back to the capital city. For the next 20 or so miles I chomped on my "ham sammich" and drove along. All at once my CRV started to shimmy like rock 'n roll
and making this horrific noise like I can't describe --- truly like rim hitting the pavement. I was braking and slowing as I tried to figure which tire had gone flat. At this point I start pulling right trying to get off the road but certainly not venture down that embankment not knowing what could be over there. You know those awful ridges along the pavement designed to wake you up should you be falling to sleep ---well, the noise running over those ridge things was ever more horrendous as I cleared the pavement and tried to get far enough off the pavement to be out of danger.
I reached for my phone, called first my sister, then called AAA Carolinas and asked the person on duty to send first a highway patrolman to stay with me while she sent the AAA attendant to change my tire. I was scared "spitless" out there in the dark by myself until the patrolman arrived but he was not long in arriving. From that point on it all went very well considering the circumstances. Trooper Duff with the Highway Patrol was a truly nice young man only interested in helping. I believe he is stationed in Wallace, NC. The AAA representative was a very nice young man who changed my tire quickly and I was on my way home. I was fortunate -- my AAA membership paid for itself last evening -- and the helpers got to me quickly -- although the girl on duty at AAA did not have the correct phone numbers to contact the highway patrol at first. She had to get the phone numbers from the Pender County Sheriff's Department.
By the way this is not an advertisement for AAA but simply my experiences from using their services when otherwise I would have been desperate.
We actually left the Wilmingon area about 7:20 pm and arrived home in Raleigh about 10:40 pm. Not too bad for the experiences we had during that time.

As for the tires -- I might add they are Michelin HydroEdge tires ---top of the line and guaranteed for 90,000 miles. I have had them rotated every other oil change. Thus far, I have put 24, 588 miles on them since having them put on my vehicle. So, I don't think I need to to explain my confusion about this top of the line tire!!
Am trying to decide what kind of tires I will buy next to put on my little CRV but I don't think it will be Michelin. I think I am lucky to be alive.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Why Cain't Jonney Spel

Have you noticed how folks spell these days? I often cringe when I read articles and entries online --- not so much hard print--- as they use copywriters who proof writing ----but many folks left to proof their own can't see their own errors. Always makes one wonder whether they know the difference in the words they have written or typed.

Don't get me wrong in what I write here because I, too, makes mistakes when I am hurried. And I must add it can be most embarrassing.

I often pause when I see these blatant spelling mistakes and ponder the cause. I reflect back on the years when school teachers were pushed into using the Whole Language method of teaching Language Arts. That was when you saw the spelling books and language books disappear from the classroom. Many teachers were truly upset as they were pushed / forced into dropping the weekly spelling list and test. Some continued to do it behind the backs of administrators because it made parents happy. I am not going to admit (in this blog) on which side I was, but it might surprise a few. English language books were gone, thus teaching parts of speech, punctuation, verb tenses, etc., diminished. The theory behind this entire movement was that teachers no longer needed to teach these skills in isolation -- as in Spelling lessons and English Language lessons. The belief being that these skills were learned more effectively when taught in context. They were directed to integrate the teaching of those skills into their Writing lessons. About that time dpi also started to mandate the testing of Writing as a part of the state testing effort. Then the Writing test was thrown out in NC a few years ago because of problems with scoring. But.... what about those folks who missed out on those Spelling and English Language lessons for all of those years. You are right --- they do not spell too well nor do they know much about the use of tenses and parts of speech to name a few skills. I forgot to mention that with the demise of the writing assessment I do not remember that re-introduction of teaching spelling and language lessons in isolation. I suppose teachers continue to teach those in context???? Well, I would be remiss if I did not admit that quite a few teachers continue to teach some spelling skills in isolation. Many continue to have a spelling list but I am not so sure about the language lessons that helped students learn rules to apply in spelling words. Thus, we have many who have poor spelling skills graduating from our schools.

There you have it.... my theory of why Johnny can't spell. Nothing sacred about it, just my opinion.

I read an article recently about spelling mistakes you should not make when applying for a job. Many of the words mentioned were antonyms, synonyms, and homonyms. Words like, to, too, two; their, there; whose, who's; no and know; separate, receive, appreciate, restaurant, your and you're, etc.. As I recall those lessons were a part of both Spelling and Language instruction in the "good 'ole days."

Do you think we have neglected our students in the choices made in the instruction of spelling skills, language skills, and reading?
I know what I believe!

Friday, September 9, 2011

How Is Your Whistle??

Has your whistle outgrown its worth?
Another timely message (in my opinion) from last week's Spoken Word by Lloyd Newell.

Delivered On: September 4th 2011
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell
Are You Paying too Much for Your Whistle?
When Benjamin Franklin was a boy, he traded all his money for a friend’s whistle. And he enjoyed the whistle until he learned it was worth only a fraction of what he’d paid for it. Immediately the whistle lost all its charm, and Ben was greatly annoyed at having made such a foolish mistake. But he learned an important lesson that day: not to invest more than something is worth.
Years later, when he saw a man neglecting his family for political popularity, or a miser sacrificing friendship for wealth, he would see what the man was missing to pursue the wrong ideals and say, "He pays too much for his whistle."
In Benjamin Franklin’s time, just as now, many people were proud of their appearance, their lavish lifestyle, and fancy homes. He would watch them go into debt to maintain the image of wealth and would once again decide they were paying far too much for their whistle.1
Today we might see people working overtime to buy all the latest toys and electronic gadgets. Long hours away from home could mean that their families have every enticement, but a better gift might simply be to spend time with them.
The most valuable treasures and the greatest satisfaction can usually be found close to home, in the people and loved ones around us. If we’ve been chasing fame and acclaim instead of building lasting relationships, we can stop in our tracks and make a course correction. What guides our daily actions? Are the things we seek really worth the sacrifices we’re making?
Thoughtfully consider your course and your priorities, and then resolve to invest time in what matters most. Then our actions will align with our values and we can rest assured we won’t be paying too much for our whistle.
1. See Benjamin Franklin, "The Whistle,” in Brander Matthews, comp., The Oxford Book of American Essays (1914), 4–6.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day is Here!

So here it is Labor Day. All of the stores are featuring Halloween. There are decorations and a gazillion varieties of candies. Some folks are never too happy to see these items appear so early -- as in the summer months. On the other hand there is another way some folks look at the arrival of the Labor Day point of the year. It goes something like this -- starting after Labor Day we look forward to the Christmas time of the year. In spite of all of the holidays that come between Labor Day and Christmas -- Christmas is the next point in the year.
After Christmas is wrapped up and put away we look forward to spring and summer vacation. This long winter provides time to plan and look forward to spring and summer which in most minds ends with Labor Day and the beginning of the school year in earnest. Summer is the time when we can suspend the regimen of school schedules and kick back and enjoy long days and time spent together as a family.
Is this really the way it goes???

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September's Song

Here we are September 1st already! It truly seems like summer has flown by. The days are getting shorter and the trees are looking spent. Soon trees will get that message from their"innards" that slows the photosynthesis process and the leaves will loose their green. I love the pretty colors of fall but I really don't like bare trees without their clothes on.

With the arrival of September this year comes the tenth anniversary of the 2001 September 11th event in New York City. I am certain there are many who lost loved ones on that awful day who are still healing and many children who lost parents who still grieve. As we as a nation commemorate that event it is important that we also remember that those who caused that happening still desire and plan to create more havoc and tragedy in our country....if they get the chance. So sad.

At our house this is the third fall since I turned five(years old) that I have not gone to school. I suppose I should be sad but.......
I did go to the coast and work with my sister in a middle school media center for the first two days of school. Most school teachers are aware that assistant principals in the state of NC have as their assigned duties the three B's --- buses, books and butts. However, in that school system textbooks have been assigned to media specialists / librarians. Since her cardiologist has limited the amount of weight she can lift (for now) I helped her with some of the "textbook issue duty."
Starting school was interrupted by the passing of Miss Hurricane Irene. We were all glad to tell her goodnight and send her up the coast. She dumped a tremendous amount of water. The fact that she hit some areas at high tide and the storm surge in other areas created a large amount of flooding and destruction from water. It was interesting that we had an earthquake followed by a hurricane within the same week.

Perhaps September will do us all a favor and bring nice temperatures ( after a hot, hot summer) and days that we can enjoy and work restoring our burned lawns.

Friday, August 26, 2011

What Do You Think of You??

I loved this message by Lloyd Newell. Maybe I need to read it more than once so I am copying it to my blog. Perhaps you will appreciate it as well.

Delivered On: August 21st 2011
Delivered By: Lloyd D. Newell

What You Think of You

Life, in this world, can be hard on anyone. We hear and see things that are discouraging, even disheartening, and at times we may feel dismayed about the state of the world and the condition of our own lives. Yes, life can be hard.
But within us, deep down in our heart of hearts, resides a sense of robust hope and sweet expectation that can lift us out of life’s fog to see clearly who we are and our capacities. We lift the fog every time we count our blessings, every time we are kind toward others, every time we seriously ponder life’s purposes. We lift life’s fog as we pause to listen to our heart.
Each one of us is here for a reason, a purpose that may sometimes get lost in life’s heartaches and disappointments. Who are you really? Why are you here at this time and this place? What can you do to make a difference in someone’s life? How can you truly look into your heart?
"What you think of you is what finally matters,” wrote one observer. "When you look in the bathroom mirror in the morning, the court is open for business. And you are the jury and the judge on the case.”1
Thinking of yourself as someone capable and worthy of good things sets positive change into motion. Quietly, your heart begins to change. You then begin to see and think and feel that your life can be good—despite life’s heartaches. Listen to that small voice in your heart that whispers to you the power to change, the potential for happiness, and the peace of mind that comes from knowing that what you think of you matters.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three Wishes

If I had three wishes what would they be?? I really couldn't say for certain as it might vary from time to time but I will share what I think today!
I would wish to never open the newspaper obituary page and find any one who Had to die before the age of one hundred and when they did pass away it came Without pain. Now I have tried to leave some loopholes in that statement for special cases. It makes me so sad to read that folks died of diseases that surely have caused pain and suffering. I know there are so-called "reasons" for suffering but it doesn't make me like that anyone must suffer. My heart is always broken when I read of those born with imperfect bodies and those who suffer death at the hands of another. (Sounds like I stay upset a lot in today's world, huh??)

My second wish would be that the necessities of life (those necessary to maintain life) would be available to all people. It is so very painful to see starving children and adults throughout the world. In the pre-existent state when we chose to come to earth to take up a body I wonder whether starving people knew that starving would be one of their trials on this earth.

My third wish would be that those conditions that it takes to bring about my first two wishes would be the prevailing conditions throughout the earth and that animals would be included in my first two wishes.

Now you know what a simpleton I am and how naiive I am. As I am writing this my house is shaking -- started slowly and grew more violently. Felt for certain like an earthquake!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Home Schooling

This post is my take on home schooling. If you are a fan of HS you will want to read no further. What I write here is my opinion only. I am always ranting about things that irritate me and this post is no different.
Home Schooling!! Why do I let this issue irritate me so?? I am not certain of the true reason but I suspect it is due to the people whose paths I have crossed who were self righteously indulged in this form of education. With the exception of one group of home schoolers that I have known I have never known of many (if any) who were providing opportunities to their students equivalent to that of public education opportunities. Most that I have know had ulterior motives!!! All too often the education part of what these students were getting could only be dubbed a scam. They were getting lots of piddle and home time. Sometimes it is being the baby sitter while Mom roams the streets at will to do her tasks. Most often students were not receiving organized instruction to pass off course work needed for a given year with appropriate objectives being taught and mastered. Most parents are not equipped to teach given subject matter(s) in an appropriate way and some are no doubt delving into subject matter they will never and have never mastered themselves as in organic chemistry, foreign languages, calculus or the various sciences. I do know parents (home schoolers) who send their high school students to the local community colleges to pick up advanced subject instruction.
Other than academic needs, students need socialization with individuals, groups, instructors, and the sports, creative, and cultural opportunities found in the public school settings.
So with that said what have I seen in folks who pulled their children from the public school setting to home school.
1. Parent differences with assigned teachers when they could not get students reassigned to another teacher.
2. Parents who were looking for a reason to keep older siblings home to "baby-sit" younger siblings.
3. Problems with school administrators for a year or so -- students were returned to the public school setting once the administrator or teacher was no longer in the picture -- for whatever reason.
4. Some parents who have differences with government -- as if home schooling solved that issue.
5. Students with special needs -- parents felt public school setting was not meeting these needs.
There are lots of scenarios of this --- some justified, some definitely not. When this is the justified situation a parent is able to press to have a school system pay for the educational need of these youngsters. Parents who know in their "heart of hearts" that they are being manipulated by their child usually do not push for this but blame the school and teachers. And there are times when the parent is the problem -- believe it or not.

Now, there are some situations out there where there are some crummy teachers. I do not deny that. In those cases, it needs to be documented and fixed through appropriate channels.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tiger by the tale......

Sure I spelled tale that way on purpose ..... as in a tall tale!
I am getting just a little agitated at some of the sports writers' criticism of Tiger, the golf pro.
Certainly he has not been a good boy and that may be understating the gravity of the problem but I am not Tiger's judge nor do I wish to be. Some of "us" who follow the game of golf have wished him the best in his attempts to regain what he has lost in prowess. It has been a really sad story -- his fall from being king of the game to not being able to qualify for tournaments this season as well as leg and hip problems requiring therapy and surgery. Obviously in the game of golf one must practice on a regular basis requiring that the entire body be in tip-top shape, the mind rested, and the skills honed and polished.
He made a real mess of his personal life and has suffered many losses as a result. Lets just leave the details there. But folks......your suffer the loss, take your lumps and bumps, and try to move on.
Right as he is trying to get back to his game he "fires" his caddie. Obviously, there must have been cause. It seems that Tiger does not want to air his dirty laundry with the press. For this he is being strongly criticized because he refuses to talk about the issue. The sports writers' stand is that they need the story because that is the way they make their living -- getting the scoop!!
Here, I thought they made their livings writing about sports events. Stoopid me!!

Tiger's ex-caddie put out a strong statement or two last weekend, after his new employer won the golf event, most of which was targeted toward Tiger. It was rather sad for him -- that he was so bitter that he got quite ugly.
On the other hand it has been refreshing that Tiger's response was not one of retaliation.
He response was more congratulatory to the pair.
My word is ---"Hey you guys, get off of Tiger's back for a while!. Let him play golf and make a come back!"

Monday, August 8, 2011

August Daze

Can you tell the year is waning? The shadows are different, the days are getting shorter, and we are still in single digit days of August. When July is gone and August comes along "things" begin to happen that indicate fall cannot be far away. Of course, these signs are being helped along (this year) due to the intense heat we have endured since late May in North Carolina -- and I realize that we are not alone. I am not sure of the statistics but I believe we have had more three digit temperatures in this season of this year. We have certainly kept the electricity providers busy and their pockets jingling. One should not complain and just be grateful we have a means to keep cool. (I am sure that we are.) The leaves on the trees and bushes are curling up, turning brown, and falling to the earth far too early. Most likely this is due to the lack of sufficient rain and water.

Today's is my kid sister's birthday. I remember the day she was born. She was a small baby (that means not elephant size like her older sister) and I recall my Mom pointing out to us that she had little ears like buttons and she went on to point out all of her little features to us. She was a really pretty baby who smiled a lot and was generally content. She had blue eyes like our Dad -- blue eyes that stayed blue -- my parents' only right-handed blue-eyed child.
Our brother wanted to trade her in on a little car he could ride so he talked to the doctor about the possibility. In the end we decided to keep her and have been grateful for that decision ever since.

Friday, July 29, 2011


I ranted yesterday about athletes and their seeming lack of integrity and its impact on the careers and lives of individuals. Today, shall I take a swat at politicians??
I wish I knew what to say about those "guys and gals" --- politicians, that is!

Needless to say, I have been disgusted since the last election. I think I have written it previously.
In my adult life I do not think I have heard or witnessed so much meanness from elected officials as I have in the last nine months, both local and national and school board. Witness that mess in Washington with the lack of compromise to come up with a budget in a timely manner. It all boils down (in my mind) to one word -- ego. Many of those clowns campaigned and were elected by making some kind of lofty promises to their constituents about reforming Congress. So they packed up their little carpetbeggar totes and off they went to the big city to reform the recklessness of those already there with their little totes. Some were from the regular demos, some regular repubs, and some called themselves tea party-ers. Soon it was round one. Out they all came to the ring and the zoo started. As of this moment they have accomplished Nothing they were sent to do except to be Ugly in every sense of the word.

Before I go let me point out to you not a one of those congressional clowns has turned down the "pork barrel" funds they are dragging back to their districts. Same thing happened in the NC legislative session. Both were charged with coming up with a viable budget and in the case of NC it had to be a balanced budget. Cuts were flying everywhere -- especially to the folks earning the least amount of $$ per year. But behind closed doors they were all dragging their money bags of goodies back to their districts for their pet projects.
I feel my bp rising so I guess it is time to quit wasting my energy on these clowns --- all of them whatever party!

Thursday, July 28, 2011


So what is going on with integrity as it pertains to athletes??
I am not and have never been a fan of UNC athletics. I am aware that for some of you admitting that makes me the enemy and discounts anything that I write further in the blog. Especially when I further admit that I would support NC State and sometimes Duke sports in preference. My admitting my fondness for Ohio State football puts me in further deep "doo-doo" as it pertains to athletics! As many sports fans are aware not only are the OS Buckeyes having sports integrity issues but also is the local fav, UNC. Now I must admit I get "NO jollies" out of seeing ANY collegiate sports program in trouble with the NCAA because of integrity issues. Rather it causes concern. One can not help but wonder what is going on in youth athletics -- school programs as well as various community programs -- as it pertains to teaching principles of integrity as well as modeling integrity in sports. We know for sure that those places are the beginning of meaningful instruction for young "wanna-be athletes."
Athletes should be held to the highest degree of Integrity.

Why do athletes seem so often (these days) to have an agenda of getting by with special perks
not allowed the rest of the population just because they are athletes? (as in paying your parking tickets, not parking in reserved parking places, plagiarizing) I think athletes know they are not to receive cash from donors or agents when involved in college athletics. I think they understand the limits of their scholarships. Why has it not been ingrained into their psyche that to be an athlete means you must be a model of integrity and good behavior? Does it matter to them that gazillions of people not to single out youth are looking up to them? Why is this not the primary principle emphasized in the athletic program over and above winning?
I know the answer most often given --- the almighty dollar rules over integrity. Drill down and take a look! Contributors give to a winning program, not so much to a losing program.

And I think I know some of the reason athletes get the wrong idea about being an athlete. Look at those individuals playing professional sports. There are few models of integrity in that avocation where many collegiate athletes hope to "matriculate".

Why should a fantastic research and state university like UNC have to worry about an issue like this "chipping away at the academic reputation" of this university?? I am not sure they did or do. This was an issue of cheating athletes who lacked integrity at their very own personal core.
I personally do not believe this was a problem of Coach Davis or Dick Baddour. So sad for both of them. The price one has to pay for athletes without character or values!

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Heathens - Chapter XX

They have done it again! My Heathen Canine Girls. I am in trouble with the neighbors. At least I seem to be in trouble with the neighbors right behind my home. Today as I let my girls out to "take care of business" they started barking at the neighbors they could hear in the yard behind us. Between my calls to them to come back in the house the neighbor's son appeared and asked to tell me something. So I proceeded off the deck to the brick patio as he approached my wrought iron fence and the girls continued to bark! What he told me was actually an informative request. He asked that I keep my barking dogs in the house while his mother's house (which is up for sale) is being shown. He went on to say that they may have/ probably have lost several sales because prospective buyers were turned off because my dogs barked. I told him I tried to get them back in the house when I realized that someone might be over there and agreed to continue to try. But no one calls me and tells me when the house is being shown. I don't know when I let my girls go outside. What to do??!!
So anybody want to buy two really cute schnauzers???

It hasn't been that long ago that I blogged about receiving a note from a male neighbor telling me that my dogs disturbed him with their barking at anyone who happens to need a good barking! So I went out and bought a PetSafe barking collar for Miss Kami to try and curb her barking. It did nothing but make a good necklace. At least it didn't disturb her at all.

One thing I should establish is that my girls are house dogs. They are never out barking late in the evening or at night. If they need to go out at night I go out with them. The only person making sounds at that time would be me. The heat has been dreadful so they are never out for very long before I am bringing them back inside. However, they are terriers and terriers bark.
They will bark particularly at the sounds of trucks on the street, car doors slamming, the sight of people and the sound of voices and birds who harass them. I also should mention I never leave the house with my dogs outside and further when I do leave my home my dogs are crated where they feel safe and are not barking.

Further, I must say in their defense and as I have stated before, my neighbors on each side of my yard in the back have petted and rubbed on these girls when they were young puppies and as they have gotten older. They spoiled my dogs to know that if they barked for the attention of the neighbors they would get it. All of the neighbors come to the fence and talk to them and rub them.
So.....being dogs, as they are, they do not understand when they aren't supposed to bark for attention. Would you?
When do you want me to acknowledge that I like you and your attention, and I am cute, and when do you want me to go on away and ignore you?? I am doggie --- I don't get it -- I thought you liked me all of time.

Any suggestions for me folks??? I am puzzled. Barks collars don't really work, citronella, not so much either.
The only thing that comes to mind is that perhaps I should give them voice lessons and teach them to sing instead of bark!

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Human CMA

Just suppose that we needed to ascertain your worth. In order to do this you needed to have a CMA done! CMA?? -- oh, that is a Comparative Market Analysis. To determine your worth we need to look at the worth of all of the other ladies in your neighborhood that are in "the market."
In the market for our purposes just means living in the area.
So we list all of your "assets" and "dimensions" and create a document for you. Each of the other ladies in your neighborhood has done the same previously so their worth is known. To determine value you are compared to the other ladies with no extra points being allowed for the quality of your assets -- just that you have them. Once we have determined your A's and D's, we total up your points. We look back at the other ladies and their features (A & D) and compare you to them. Adjustments are made and your value is determined.

You are grossly offended and object loud and long because you believe your worth has been underestimated. However, you are told that your value can be no more that already estimated because no one else in your community has been found to have a value that high.

If you can understand the point I am trying to make this is the way the value of your home is determined using the renowned CMA used in the real estate market.
Sounds crazy and incomprehensible, huh?? Yep, that is my opinion, too.
I have a truly difficult time understanding how you can determine the value / worth of a home by comparing it to others on the market or having been sold within the last year within a one mile radius of your home. Looks like to me a home's value or worth is exactly that --- its value or worth -- compared only to itself.
Am I crazy? Who came up with this CMA stuff??

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Legislative Musings

How can Mr. & Mrs. We R Citizen(s) sit idly by and watch the action(s) of the current NC Legislative body and perceive that all is right with the world in the field of education???
It goes without saying that no one elects to pay more taxes -- we all get that. But....

From the beginning of this session in January so much has and is taking place in the way of spiteful actions that it is particularly alarming. We are getting a true picture of the natural man! I have observed that most often if the vengeful actions were traced back to the perpetrator the rationale given is, " we are paying them back for their actions when we were the minority" or "we are paying them back for supporting the other party." Whether we are looking at the action taken to spite the educators' professional organization or the drawing of new political voting districts. It is truly, truly mean. I am not sure I have ever seen more blatant legislative actions.
I think one of things making it seem especially raw is the state of the state and nation economically. It would seem that the financial situation would inspire lawmakers to work more closely together and pool their accumulated experience and knowledge to benefit the citizenry in every way possible. I am truly disillusioned.

This week brought the ruling from Judge Manning pertaining to the cuts made by the legislature to Pre K education. Judge Manning used the Leandro Case as a basis for ruling that the cuts were unconstitutional in that they would deprive certain kiddies an opportunity for a Pre K education. Of course, the downtown legislature building rose up from its foundation in protest as soon as his ruling was made public. He is wrong, yelled they.
But is he wrong?? Who profits and who loses when ALL children coming to school have been exposed to the skills and objectives taught in pre-school?

Believe it or not there are students entering school from some of the more well educated families (as well as those who are financially able) who are the least prepared for the school experience in addition to those who are economically deprived. Surprised??
Some folks don't even like their children!! Is that a surprise to any one?

When ( if ever) will those in charge in every venue "Put Children First?"

I never had the privilege of having children of my own but I understand the true meaning of "putting our children first" in all ways to perpetuate their growth, education and development.
The future of this great nation rides on their shoulders. Rise up for children and students.

Lovin' Temps

I am just observing today -- conditions around the country including where I dwell!
Mid to later July. Hot as Hades! I thought these were supposed to be the "dog days" of summer whatever that means! A large lump of the nation is scorched and roasting -- that includes us in the 'ole North State! We expect the nineties during the summer in "our neck of the woods" but we do feel rather "well done" when the temps start hitting the 100's. And on the other side of the coin we freeze when it hits below 32 degrees. It could be that some would consider us temperature wimps!
Now, I do remember way back in the winter saying that I would never complain about the summer temperatures what with long days and sunshine. So I hasten to say I AM NOT COMPLAINING, .... am I??
And, oh yes, I remember what dog days means. It all has to do with the Dog Star in the constellation Sirius. Supposedly, back in the good ole days, the hottest weather came when the Dog Star was closest to the sun, I think! At least that is my version of this story.

In the meantime, I am loving all of the sunshine, long days, and warmth of summer. Just sip plenty of Lemonade over ice, a little melon from time to time, rock in your favorite rocker, and sing your prettiest song. Enjoy every lazy day!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Freedom and Misery

I, so, don't look forward to tomorrow but will surely be glad to get my presentation over. I am not comfortable with this "thingie" but it doesn't seem to matter.

I have to do this talk "thingie" on Freedom & Liberty because this is the month of Independence!
I have been in a miserable state of pondering for about ten days on this. Now I am not against freedom and liberty but have really had a difficult time wrapping my brain around how to approach / organize this thing. I have worked every angle and mid-point -- still no peace of mind.
Last night I worked for hours organizing my thoughts. Still not happy with my progress and organization. I may ditch it all and start over!

After a while it has became a little amusing --- in all of this I seem to have lost all of my freedom and liberty. Help!! Really looking forward to Monday at the coast even if it means mowing the lawn in the heat just to get beyond all of this !!

Makes me wonder whether anyone else has ever been this miserable about trying to organize their thoughts into something meaningful to present to others!

Monday, July 4, 2011


Tonight I am negative, negative plus. First of all, I hate fireworks exploding in my community! They are beautiful and quite effective when done in a park, arena, ball park, or central setting. But.... I really do not appreciate neighbors setting off tons and tons of fireworks that the rest of us must endure shaking the house and rattling on for hours and hours while my dogs scurry from place to place all over the house trying to find a safe, secure place. My dogs actually tremble from head to toe as long as they can hear fireworks exploding. It is so difficult to get them calmed down. Sorry folks, I truly think it is really inconsiderate! I wish there was a city regulation against setting them off in subdivisions.

Another reason for my negative attitude is that the MLS listing on my home at the coast has expired. I am struggling with ideas as to what to do with the whole issue. It is unfortunate (for me) that the time to sell that home and the market falling apart occurred simultaneously. I have listed it with the two largest realty groups in the town and it has failed to produce a buyer. The only thing I keep hearing is: 'Wouldn't you like to do another price improvement?" That means reduce the price down further. I am tired of doing that as well.
I think I have done all of the other things I was told would make the home desirable for sale. It has been inspected and any flaws corrected, it has been updated, it has had a warranty plan to insure it for a year after sale, it is meticulous from end to end and in move-in condition, it has a continuing termite and pest control bond on it, and I have had it appraised. But I can't make it new. Impossible! However, it has only been lived in consecutively as a home for the time my Mom lived there after it was completed. She lived in it from late June until mid-February when my brother and his children found her in the floor one Saturday morning having had a CVA. She never returned home to live and died a year later. My husband and I have owned the home since that time and my primary home is in Raleigh. Since Ken died I have taken care of it and visited it for short periods of time. But....evidently it is a cursed little house and no one wants to buy it unless I am willing to "give" it away for very little.
Sometimes I think I should have put my Raleigh home on the market, stored my belongings and moved into that one.

Signing off for now.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Just Rambling!

Do you ever get writer's block? I think I have a case every now and then. Perhaps it is just a case of "the mundane." Everything going on at our house seems mundane or then again it could just be a case of "locked brain" or more accurately no-brain!
Summer is getting away from me without me being able to do anything about it, as usual. I am truly loving these long, hot days. That is until I see the ac bill from Progress Energy. Even with Progress Energy's bad bills I still love summer, long days, melons, fresh tomatoes, the summer heat and my schnauzer girls. And I might add the water bill gets a little "up there" from running the irrigation system just so the grass doesn't burn up.

In a few days we once again will celebrate The Fourth of July. Everyone seems to enjoy the particular holiday. Wonder why? Anyone want to venture a guess? My guess would be that it has something to do with the fact that this holiday has no particular attachment to religion. Now I am aware that some would disagree with me on even that point but so be it!
My girls get really spooked at the fireworks. It doesn't matter in which of our two homes we are when fireworks go off it upsets my schnauzers. My Piper particularly seeks the place she perceives as the safest to hide, shaking from head to toe, and does not come out until the next day. This will be the first 4th for Kami so I don't know how she will react. She is a pretty brave little girl. My Sassy did react and hide. In both locations neighbors seem to enjoy setting off fireworks. Guess I need some doggie ear muffs that block sound.

Well, so much for this rambling nonsense, it is time to get to work doing something of value.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Heathens

Today and tonight we have a guest canine in our home and my two regulars are acting like a couple of heathens. We have a fourteen month old male cocker spaniel visiting us as we transition him to a new home. The Mom who bought him as a new pup is moving back north to a location that she says does not allow dogs on the premises at all. She advertised on Craig's list and gave him away but the lady called to return him after two weeks because he does not like kitty cats. The original humanoid Mommy was so upset I volunteered to take him and find him the "bestest" home possible, so I have him now.
He is precious and well behaved. He is mostly black with brown on his footsies. He is AKC registered, microchipped, and came with all vet / shot records, registration papers, a supply of dog food, his crate, toys, treats, car seat, and all supplies you can think he needs I do not think I will have a hard time finding him a new home. Do you??????

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Dad For Eternity

This Sunday is once again Father's Day. Across this nation fathers, good and bad, will be honored by their children. As my Mom used to tell us, once a Mom or Dad always a Mom or Dad.

As one expects, our hearts turn to our own fathers. My Dad lived for almost eighty-two years. He has been gone since January 1989. My Dad was ten years and five months older than my Mom. After his death I put in extra time and visits trying to get my Mom interested in living and going on. I failed in that endeavor. She passed away almost three years later of her own physical ailments. But back to Daddy.

My Dad had been raised with all of the manners of a southern gentleman; a sterling example! He really did not have much tolerance for the lack of manners. Generally speaking, he was a quiet man. He often told us somewhat kiddingly, that there is a time to "speak only when spoken to." I think he meant that we should remember that, when as children, we were in the presence of adults.
He and my Mom had a love bond that young couples today could only hope for, in my opinion. Together they had five children. I am the oldest of those who survived. I do not know much about the first child, however the second was a son who lived less than four hours. I was the third. I guess they were worn out by then because my brother was born six years later. My sister came along five years after that.

My Dad has been gone a while but I still remember! One of the strongest principles he taught by
example was that of honesty. My father was honest to a flaw if that was possible. No clerk would ever give him incorrect change. Even a penny was important when it came to being honest.
He wasn't always vocal about things but you should never have gotten the idea that he didn't have his own opinion about things --- he just didn't always vocalize them unless you asked or there was some reason.
I remember that my Dad thought it was important to one's appearance to keep your shoes neat, polished, and shined. I am often reminded of him as I notice other men's shoes. A little shoe polish goes a long way! My Dad was quite neat in the manner in which he cared for his clothing. They were neatly folded or hung and as he used to tell us, "a place for everything and everything in its place."

My Dad was right handed with really pretty blue eyes and blond hair. Only one of his children is right handed and has blue eyes. No, not me!!

Happy Father's Day, Daddy! I love you. You are mine for Eternity and so is Mom!!
P. S. And oh, Daddy, forgot to tell you, I have some doggies now!!

Solving the Budget Crisis

So... yesterday the president visited us again in North Carolina. This time he made a call on Cree in Durham. As I understand it Cree is the company that makes the new light bulbs, squiggly and all, which save electricity. During this downturn the company has prospered and moved on hiring people, making a solid profit, and moving forward. Thus, the president was using them as an example of the way entrepreneurs or companies could be innovative and help the economy grow by providing jobs.

Today the CBS morning show did another of their "town meeting" type shows on the economy. They also did one about two weeks ago. These shows unfortunately provide another platform for politicians to criticize one another as Democrats, Republicans, and the sub-group Tea Party (iers.)
One BIG question that builds in my mind about all of this is: IF all of these people know and have the answers as they seem to think, AND knowing that the economy of this great nation is floundering without a fix---- why can they not put aside partisan politics and work together as a group to come up with solution(s) that would heal this big, big wound afflicting so many so that this nation and its people can move forward without such suffering.
It seems like a small price -- (putting aside partisan politics).

Why should one group feel that they have the exact answer and not have shared and offered sincerely? A nation so blessed with economists should have a group (brain bank) considered the brightest and best who could sit down together and come up with solutions putting aside political policy and loss or gain of face.
So much has been said in this state about the former administrator of UNC-Chapel Hill who has been beckoned to Capitol Hill and his strength in the area of economics. Then running for president we have once again none other than the man who pulled the floundering Salt Lake Olympics together with his business acumen and skill, Mitt Romney. These are but two talented individuals.
Political games should be put aside where the economy is concerned.
That's it from "The House of Schnauzer" at the moment.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mastering Life

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be.. It's the way it is..
The way we cope with it, is what makes the difference.

And sometimes I am not at all pleased with the way I handle life and its happenings. Anyone else ever feel that way?? Often when I get behind a particularly stressful time in my sojourn here I look back and say to myself, "how could I have handled that better?" I could really get down on myself at these times and I am not foolish enough to try and convince any one that I do not, but the better path is to assess it for what it is worth, learn from it, and move on. If only I could get that through my thick skull.

However, I have come to the conclusion that there are experiences in life which "temper" us. Whether we prefer it or not these experiences change us in ways that color our thinking and thus change some aspect of our lives, sometimes drastically.
Moving on is often difficult. Sometimes when things are particularly hurtful it is helpful to move away from them and push them as far away as possible. I have learned to compartmentalize those things and either deal with them in small parts or at a time when I am more able to cope with them. I had to do that with Ken's death. My therapist told me that I should always be certain that I come back and deal with those things, however.

Ah, sometimes I think I just think too much. Time to rest my thinker for now.
That's all folks! ......for now.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Like The Little Engine.....

When we get to be my age we start to be concerned about longevity. While I do not feel that I give an undue amount of thought to this area of my life, I suppose I should.
However, I do think I am one who perseveres and in spite of the bruises I can be fairly resilient.
Thinking in this vein reminds me of the story of the little engine that could ... I think I can, I think I can.
The following is a copy of The Spoken Word from last week's Mormon Tabernacle Choir broadcast.
I really copied it to my blog for my own benefit.

Thinking We Can
June 5, 2011 Broadcast Number 4264

Recent research suggests that persistence and resilience are good predictors of longevity. Perseverance in the face of difficulties puts us on the road to happiness and well-being, and what keeps us on that road is a positive attitude.

A young man learned this important lesson as a high school tennis player. He had worked hard during the off-season: his goals were clear and his resolve fixed. But his hard work did not produce the results he had hoped for. Instead of victories, the season was filled with setbacks and challenges. His first reaction was anger, but then in time and with good counsel, he realized that tennis did not define who he was or determine his future. He began to shift his perspective, change his attitude, adjust his goals, and look on the bright side.

Over a hundred years ago, a little-known poet, Walter D. Wintle, wrote a poem called "The Man Who Thinks He Can." In a timeless way, it captures the simple but powerful effect of resilience, persistence, and positive thinking.

If you think you are beaten, you are;
If you think you dare not, you don’t;
If you’d like to win, but think you can’t,
It’s almost a cinch you won’t.
If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost,
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in the state of mind.

If you think you’re outclassed, you are;
You’ve got to think high to rise.
You’ve got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Love’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man;
But [sooner] or [later] the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Musings on Politics in Education

News today from the state legislative body furthers a bill into legislation which prevents the largest teacher association in the state from collecting their dues through the teachers' payroll. All other professional organizations in the state will still be allowed to do so. Republican legislators make no secret of the fact that this piece of legislation is directed at the teachers' group primarily because they have supported mostly Democrats with their political action committees. That last statement is not just conjecture -- the discussion of this was overheard when the Republicans neglected to cut off their microphones as they discussed and planned this strategy. Wow, what gall!! It may have happened but I have never known of a group of so-called professional law makers to be so openly punitive.
I am reminded of a doctrine which says that when men receive a little authority, it seems to follow, that they will begin exercise it unjustly over others. Another word that comes to mind is spite. Who wins when we spitefully use our authority over others? What is gained?

As these things have been discussed in the news media it has been said by those governing, we are just giving them back what we got when the Democrats ruled. Gee, what examples we set for youth and those who listen, watch and follow.

It is not my aim to align myself with one political group or another in what I write here, but to objectively attempt to look at the big picture and what we are trying to accomplish. With teachers their primary aim should be what is best for children.
With the legislative body their primary aim should be what is best for children.
Spite used against teachers does not promote an attitude of cooperation on what is best for children.

Another irritating point thrown around pertaining to schools is that of merit pay. While it sounds like the panacea for solving money problems or the answer to separating the wheat from the tares, Nay, not so!! I have never known a human who could totally separate their true feelings from the evaluation process and be honest. I have known and been involved in a few situations where the evaluations of teachers were done with the negative feelings of an evaluator becoming far too involved and entwined in trying to assess the job being done by a teacher. Usually it becomes a labor of nit-picking on the part of the evaluator.
Individuals having never been subjected to this type of job evaluation look on it favorably. Once involved in the process they begin to see its unfairness. It is very difficult to be objective when evaluating people you just do not like for one reason or many reasons.
I believe that when it is perceived that an educator is doing an inadequate job the evaluator should be someone who does not know the individual personally and can evaluate objectively. A framework for evaluating (with scaffolding) can be constructed such that an objective outsider can assess effectiveness in a classroom along with other factors such as student achievement.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Ethically Challenged

I am probably not different from any one else who is in a continual state of astonishment these days at what seems to be a perpetual parade of elected officials getting themselves in some kind moral indiscretion, denying it, and then admitting under some guise to having committed the act. Usually (when admitting) it is something quite worthy like " the devil made me do it." The casualness with which individuals handle moral behavior is astonishing.

It makes one wonder whether all politicians or those seeking office are ethically challenged.

The most recent, of course, is one who tweeted lewd pictures to some dame and claims he did not do it, only to admit today that he is guilty plus. And then, over the weekend the former congressman from our district was indicted for only some small portion of greater heartbreak, indiscretions, and perhaps broken laws of which he is guilty. ( Much of the detail {of this case} is known thus I will not repeat.) Another department having members who were obviously ethically challenged in recent years and months has been the state highway patrol. These are but a few examples of many today who find themselves severely lacking in the practice of ethics and yet hold positions or jobs of authority governing the rest of us.
I can not speak for other citizens but I find it severely disturbing that those with responsibilities to protect and govern cannot themselves keep moral and ethical laws to the degree that they can be examples to both old and young alike.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Missing Ken

This week has been another one of Those Weeks!! "Those Weeks" are the times in my 'after Ken' life that I am more acutely aware that life without him truly sucks! It does all of the time actually but when I have to do things that normally he would have done or taken charge of I am so, so reminded that I am alone in the bloody universe with decisions that need to be made and to take care of myself. I have a male friend who is always "auditing" my decisions. He often tells me that I "get taken" just because I am female. I do not doubt his word but I try really hard to do my homework and watch out for myself. Sometimes I make decisions just to keep myself safe and they may cost me $$$ but that is the way the system works.

But back to this week's business. My dishwasher and disposal gave up the ghost and have to be replaced. So I have been "doing my research" and finally bit the bullet and bought both for my home in Raleigh. I had previously bought a dishwasher for the coastal home. (It has never been used because the house is on the market and no one lives there).
Then there is all of that "stuff" about installation and whatever kind of kit you need to install. I never had to think about those things when Ken was around. In fact there was so much I never had to think about when Ken was here. My sister recently reminded me that I never vacuumed when he was living. She is correct -- I didn't. But Ken didn't cook either. He was good about taking care of the dishes and pots and pans, though. We both worked and split most tasks. However, we did a tremendous amount together.
Sooo, all of you Grumpy Gretas, don't complain about your husband. Things can get worse!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My Pet Peeve

Here I am back again with my opinionated opinion about happenings round and about.
I was reminded today by an irritating advertisement that some folks have no shame. I have often over the last several months listened to a tv ad about HRT's! (At least I think that is the acronym used.) It is aired on a local station (WRAL) every now and then. It features one of several ladies who are just so, so astounded at the change taking place in their lives since they have submitted to treatments by these "whatever hormones" they are taking. Why their lives with their husbands has just zoomed up there on "makin' whooppee" scale til it is just like when they were newlyweds!! (Now what fool wants to get on TV and tell this bombastic tale??!!!) Evidently they paid these poor females enough to get them to air their "more private" activities with the entire listening area. I don't know why but this is the most irritating ad of recent time to me.

Reminds me of language arts lessons taught to fifth graders about advertisement techniques and strategies. Generally at that level the techniques taught were persuasion, bandwagon, propaganda, and testimonial. Now there are a few more secondary strategies poked in there like statistics, sense appeal, humor. nostalgia, and transfer/fantasy.
When teaching this objective I used to find it helpful to tape some advertisements and have my students watch them in order to recognize and identify their components. Need I say this isn't one I would ever tape and use but I am certain that even the most less astute students could see through this objectionable advertisement. I will save my more descriptive adjectives for another day. That's All Folks, for now.